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What brightness is your ipad 3 set to

Inside I prefer that it is as low as it will go if I am in the dark, and in a lighted room up to 20%. Outside in sunlight, up to 50%. My eyes are pretty sensitive to light. If I go too bright, I get immediate headaches.

Biggest problem. I switch brightness levels often, and going from as low as it goes to outside I cannot see the screen in sunlight at all to be able to change the settings.
50% , set like that from new, reason why I uses less battery and the screen brightness is fine for most tasks indoors, I hardly ever use the iPad outdoors in sunlight , sometimes while navigating in the car.
I do like full brightness, however, the battery life then decreases drastically. :/ So I left it at about 70/80%.
10-30% auto brightness on. For movies 50-60%. For outside 80-100%

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