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What can i do with?

Tim ,
Didn't sleep a wink.
Just cannot do it.
Yes java script is on.
Yes I have the JavaScript in the book mark.
Didn't copy,I typed it in manually.

Do not know how to copy. Gone into iPad Manuel still cannot get it.
When I highlight is it asks copy?
Then what I say yes. Where does it go?...
Tried to open the web page and nothing happens copy is gone.
Just haven't got the knowledge.
So if I go into my bookmark with the hand typed JavaScript followed by the lmp recipe do I open it?
When I open it it still will not drop down an option to save as/copy to etc have been tapping and trying to find a drop down
Just keeps opening new recipe pages,open or open new page is all I can find
I know it's me and I feel really upset.
Please keep helping if you can
Reference previous:
I think there is one more step in Safari Bookmarklets that has been overlooked.
I seem to recall that when the "http:\\" address came up in the browser ID, you had to then delete everything from JavaScript backwards and then save the page as bookmark or something.
I used this a lot on my iPhone, which usage seems to have diminished greatly since the iPad arrived.
If this doesn't iijog some other memories, then I will check back after researching my iPhone stuff.
Or if you "Google 'Safari Bookmarklets' " for iPhone or iPad you will come up with the necessary stuff yourself.
Hope this helps
Last edited:
Tim ,
Didn't sleep a wink.
Just cannot do it.
Yes java script is on.
Yes I have the JavaScript in the book mark.
Didn't copy,I typed it in manually.

Do not know how to copy. Gone into iPad Manuel still cannot get it.
When I highlight is it asks copy?
Then what I say yes. Where does it go?...
Tried to open the web page and nothing happens copy is gone.
Just haven't got the knowledge.
So if I go into my bookmark with the hand typed JavaScript followed by the lmp recipe do I open it?
When I open it it still will not drop down an option to save as/copy to etc have been tapping and trying to find a drop down
Just keeps opening new recipe pages,open or open new page is all I can find
I know it's me and I feel really upset.
Please keep helping if you can

OK - when you copy it goes to the so-called 'clip board' - it's a temporary area of memory in the iPad. When you try to create the new bookmark, if you want to 'paste' the copied text into the bookmark, then you need to touch and hold the area where you want the text to be placed and a pop up box will appear with 'paste' and you touch that and the Javascript will be pasted there.

You say above that you hand typed in the Javascript followed by the recipe. That's the mistake. The bookmark *only* contains the Javascript. There's nothing about the recipe address in the bookmark. That Javascript will convert any webpage that you happen to be visiting into PDF, not just the recipe page.

So, to recap, the bookmark should contain just the Javascript (remember to remove that space in the http part of the script - i.e. it shouldn't be 'ht tp' but 'http'.

Don't fret, it may take us a while (particularly because you're asleep when I'm awake and vice versa) but we'll do it...there's no hurry - well, I suppose you don't want those lemons to go off...

My apologies troops !!
I defer to the master "TIM"
My iPhone Safari Bookmarklet apps were for putting emergency phone numbers on the iPhone homepage.
Clearly a completely different required result..
Sorry for the intrusion.
All this anxt over  lemons!!
I'm doing it all over carefully step by step
Thank you very much for not being cross.
I really do want this
If you think you're have trouble with computers, you should speak to my wife. You're an expert compared to her.....

Don't worry, we'll sort it.....

The problem with computers is that they're not very forgiving. You just get *one* letter wrong in that URL and it says 'No Way'!!!!

Good Luck.

Ok now I can copy the Java script .
Exactly where do I copy it to .have been copying to all places trying for the right one.
Initially you said close the web page and add to a blank safari book mark section.
When I open safari with no content it will not open the add book mark option
Give it to me one more time.
Really getting frustrated now
I cleared all initial attempts so it's a clean break
If I have been able to create a PDF file ,by luck how will I know?
Ok now I can copy the Java script .
Exactly where do I copy it to .have been copying to all places trying for the right one.
Initially you said close the web page and add to a blank safari book mark section.
When I open safari with no content it will not open the add book mark option
Give it to me one more time.
Really getting frustrated now
I cleared all initial attempts so it's a clean break
If I have been able to create a PDF file ,by luck how will I know?

OK - sorry I was so slow to get back to you - I missed your post.

OK - copy the Javascript. To do that, go to my post with the Javascript in it, press and hold any part of that Javascript until you get a little pop up box with options like 'Select', 'Select All' etc. Choose 'Select'. Some part of the Javascript will be selected and two vertical bars will appear - one at either end of the selected text. Now carefully drag the right-most vertical bar to the end of the Javascript (assuming it's not there already). Now drag the left most vertical bar to the beginning of the Javascript (assuming it's not there already).

Now check that you have the left-most vertical bar at the beginning of the Javascript and the right-most vertical bar at the end of the Javascript. Be sure *every* character of the Javascript is selected.

OK - now select the 'Copy' pop up option. Sometimes manipulating those vertical bars can take a while and sometimes the pop-up 'Copy' option doesn't seem to appear, in which case you might need to start this section again.

OK - if all this has gone as I've indicated, you've copied the Javascript to an internal area of the iPad called the 'Clipboard'.

Now on to the next stage. Open Safari and go to any web page whatsoever (anything but a blank page). Choose the little curly arrow menu item from the top of the Safari screen and choose 'Add bookmark'.

A bookmark will appear - of course the iPad thinks you want to bookmark this page but you don't, you're just using this sleight of hand to get a boomarklet. In the bookmark that the iPad offers you there are two lines - a title line - what you want to call the bookmark, and a second line - the bookmark itself.

Normally the cursor is positioned by default in the first line of the bookmark - the title line, and it usually is pre-loaded with the name of the page that you were viewing in Safari. You don't want this name, so back space through all the characters and put something meaningful in, say 'My PDF Bookmarklet'.

Now touch the second line of the bookmark and then backspace through all of it so that it's blank. Now touch and hold that second line of the bookmark and a pop up box will appear and one of the options is 'Paste'. Choose that option and the Javascript that you'd previously copied will be pasted in here. Now - and this is important - you'll remember that I said that due to some bizarre technicality there's a spurious space in the bookmarklet. So carefully position the cursor by touching the Javascript and moving the cursor so that you can remove the space in the 'http' part of the Javascript. i.e. there should not be a space in 'http'. If you remember, it's easier to position the cursor by touching and holding the screen on the Javascript and that little pop up magnifying glass will appear allowing you to position the cursor just to the right of the spurious space, so that you can then use the on screen keyboard to backspace through it.

Check that the Javascript has been placed in the bookmark successfully and press 'Save'.

OK - now use Safari to go to the recipe page. When the recipe page has finished loading, select the bookmark icon from the menu bar in Safari and choose the 'My PDF Bookmarklet' bookmark. Safari will then download the recipe page a second time and convert it to a PDF document. You should, when it's finished, be able to 'touch' the recipe page (now a PDF, though it will look the same as before) and a momentary menu line at the top of the screen will appear with some options, such as 'Open In iBooks'. You can then select that option (if the menu bar has disappeared, just touch the screen again) and the iPad will transfer you to iBooks and will display the Lemon menu that you were looking for.

OK - I know there's a lot here and I apologise for explaining it in such nauseating detail but it's easy to miss a step and get totally confused. So follow the instructions carefully - take your time and don't get frustrated if things don't work out.

If it all goes wrong, post in as much detail as you can what happened and don't hesitate to PM me so that I don't miss your post.

Good Luck.....

Did all that.
Now have the info java script etc in the book mark bar along with the lmp recipe?
When I go back into safari and hit the book mark bar it just with the javascript etc reloads the web page and doesn't appear to option a save or where to save?......?...
Sorry ,what am I doing wrong

I think it might be the space in the middle of http in the link that Tim posted?

I had that problem too until I re-read his post:)
Did all that.
Now have the info java script etc in the book mark bar along with the lmp recipe?
When I go back into safari and hit the book mark bar it just with the javascript etc reloads the web page and doesn't appear to option a save or where to save?......?...
Sorry ,what am I doing wrong

I think it might be the space in the middle of http in the link that Tim posted?

I had that problem too until I re-read his post:)

Yes - it's a real puzzle why that space gets put there. I've tried everything - any suggestions gratefully received. I've put the Javascript into Pages, Notes, Notes Plus etc etc then copied and pasted it into my post. Before I hit the 'Submit' button on iPad Forum there is no space in that http but, as soon as it goes to the post, it's there. Hit 'edit' to edit my post and, guess what, no space!!

Bizarre - but then I like computers to be confusing and inexplicable - if they were simple I'd be out of a job!!:D

Now that's just yuck! Sorry, Julie but just the thought of putting that in my mouth makes me want to gag!

sent with love from my iPad on IPF

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