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What do you remember about your first TV, and do you still have it?

My first tv was a black NEC that would always have vertical rolling so I had to bash the top of it to get it to work, nod no I don't have it still

A Commodore 64 a day keeps the Apple II away!
My parents bought a black and white 9" Dumont TV in 1947. Early adopters, for sure.

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Back when my brother and I shared a room when we were three, we had a really small square TV all to ourselves. We didn't know how to change channels for a few weeks, so we got stuck with The Flinstones. A year later, he accidentally knocked it off the nightstand and the screen shattered.
My first viewing of Australians first TV broadcast was in 1956 at the Melbourne Olympics. My mom dragged me down to Camberwell, suburb of Melbourne to see a TV broadcast at the start of the Olympics. I remember the Crowds were large however I still could see the broadcast in the window of the TV shop... I will never forget the moment.
My first TV was my Mothers 13" White sears Television. Here's a picture of what it looks like.


Tough little TV. I returned it to my mother and it still works to this day. :)
For me, early 1950s (I must have been 7-8 years old) in Toledo, Ohio - B&W of course - don't remember the brand, but it was a major 'life style' change for us, only to be topped by the emergence of computers and the internet! :) Dave
I remember it was black and white and we got to watch cartoons if we were ready for school early! It was very exciting because we lived on a farm at the end of a quarter mile road - no neighbours for miles around and very poor. So having a TV was a BIG step up! Nice memories.
I had a color 13" Emerson all through high School. I got it one Christmas. I'm sure mom paid a pretty penny for it. It had the channels buttons on the front and of course rabbit ears. I used it for quite a while after leaving mom's house and moving into my apartment. It use to set on top of a cardboard box that I used for my "entertainment center". Mom sold it in a garage sell when I joined the Air Force along with a lot of other stuff. Of course times have changed. I've now got a 70" LED hanging in my living room. When I think back, I wonder how I ever lived with a 13". Of course times were different in the 80's. We spent most of our free time outdoors. Now since I'm an old fart, I spend most of my time indoors :) Oh ya, my iPad's always in my lap ;)
Wow, you are a pilot? My orthopaedic surgeon has this thing on his wall in the exam room. I wonder if you could answer it. It was given to pilots ( maybe test pilots - also sorry to go off topic for this but just had to see if SS (or anyone) could answer it. You are driving down a vacant stretch of road where you come across 3 people on a bench. One is your best friend who once saved your life. One is an elderly woman who is having heart problems and needs immediate medical attention. The third person is the woman of your dreams. There is only room for one passenger in your car. WHAT do you DO?
Wow, you are a pilot? My orthopaedic surgeon has this thing on his wall in the exam room. I wonder if you could answer it. It was given to pilots ( maybe test pilots - also sorry to go off topic for this but just had to see if SS (or anyone) could answer it. You are driving down a vacant stretch of road where you come across 3 people on a bench. One is your best friend who once saved your life. One is an elderly woman who is having heart problems and needs immediate medical attention. The third person is the woman of your dreams. There is only room for one passenger in your car. WHAT do you DO?

If you're talking to me, I'm not a pilot. I worked on airplanes in the Air Force. Now I supervise an Airfield Inspection team.

To answer your question, if I'm wasn't married, I give my car to my best friend to take the old lady to the hospital and sit with the girl of my dreams on the bench.
If you're talking to me, I'm not a pilot. I worked on airplanes in the Air Force. Now I supervise an Airfield Inspection team.

To answer your question, if I'm wasn't married, I give my car to my best friend to take the old lady to the hospital and sit with the girl of my dreams on the bench.

I KNEW YOU WERE THAT SMART!! Anyone with such a great sense of humour just HAS to be in the top 5%, like Mensa thanks, you made my day! You are the first person I have asked them that scenario who got it! You might as well be a test pilot! KUDOS!! I'm still smiling from this! Thanks again! Your most avid groupie! Squib/ Diane . Since my invoice was up there in the photo's and I think it was you who had a good laugh at that fumble!

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