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What Do You Sync With (Mac or PC)?

What do you sync (or plan to sync) your iPad with?

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iPF Noob
How are you syncing (or planning to sync) your iPad?

iTunes runs under OS X on Macs and Windows on PCs so tell us which one you plan to use.
WinBooze can’t compete with Mac

PC because I don't have a mac. I do think Macs are better but they are just not compaatable with everything like PCs

I believe you never use a Mac it’s why you can say that … all people i know have move from PC to mac refuse to return in Mac, and i am one of them after nearly 10 years winbooze … i will never use one anymore
PC because I don't have a mac. I do think Macs are better but they are just not compaatable with everything like PCs

And what is not compatible with mac? I find hardware to be a LOT more compatible with mac...and beside games what software isn't compatible.

Btw, I have a mac pro with windows installed in a second partition for games.
I voted PC. Maybe one day I will be able to afford a MAC. Honestly, I am kinda put off by them, as PC's are easy enough to upgrade (and cheap).
PC because I don't have a mac. I do think Macs are better but they are just not compaatable with everything like PCs

Compatible when you install Windows and use Bootcamp or VMWare or Parallels, I prefer VMWare. BTW a Mac is a PC. It has an Intel Processor. Other than that it's a difference in who manufactures it.

I play first person shooters: PC

I play first person shooters as well, on my iMac I play Battlefield Bad Company 2, very surprised just how well if not better it plays than most peoples Windows PC's. But for veteran gamers who have built their own PC's in the past or present, I know the feeling, nothing can beat your own home-brewed, I was there, did that. I even used top end everything and spent money just to upgrade every new advance, that got old really fast.
Especially when in my line of business all I did was perform service and upgrade customers gaming rigs. It was fun while it lasted, now with Macs more mainstream with up to date graphics and processors, most don't have to go the route of home-brewed.

I still like to game, but its much nicer now to not hassle with the machine builds and upgrades drivers patches etc on regular PC's, on a Mac it seems everything does just work is true.

PS: Wanted to add something in here about the new Valve Steam availability for Macs, thats just something that is even more fun looking forward to. ;)

I sync my iPad and iPhones across many Macs home and work, iMacs and MacBooks mostly.
I play first person shooters: PC

I play first person shooters as well, on my iMac...

PS: Wanted to add something in here about the new Valve Steam availability for Macs, thats just something that is even more fun looking forward to. ;)

Whenever I say I game so I'm a PC, someone always brings up those FEW examples of gaming on Macs - but cmn. Lets see if Steam changes things.

Until then - I'm a PC because I'm a gamer FIRST.
I'm on Mac now since 2002 and I will never ever change back to Windows again!
Each and every time I get asked by friends about some "computer issue" it is a Windows PC, never a Mac.

Mac aren't perfect and have issues as well, but it is with all technology items, if you don't treat it right, or simply said, if you are too stupid to use it properly, than stay away from it.

The only reason, why I do have a BootCamp partition with Windows 7 on it (and I admit, Windows 7 is probably the first Windows version, which seems to do, what it is supposed to do), is because I play Modern Warfare 2 on it. Once I'm through with this game, I will remove the partition and Windows installation again, to free up the diskspace.

And yes, I also know a few (maybe two or three people) who returned to the dark side again, but mainly, because they thought Windows PCs are cheaper, or because they require to work with some non-Mac software. All others, who I know, converted to Mac, are very happy with it and even don't consider returning to Windows.

From time to time even I need to use Windows, when somebody really fu'ed his iPhone.... Funny enough, that you only can restore a hard bricked iPhone on a Windows PC......

Windows or Mac is some sort of religeous discussion. There is no "good" or "bad". It is a decision, what you like more.
The only thing I liked when I owned a Mac, was the iLife suite. That entire iLife package is awesome. But, OSX was not for me, and after about a year I ran humbly back home to Windows.

It is interesting to me that one month into ipad ownership, the PC vs Mac thing may be a non-issue. Other than my music work and a bit of Photoshop, I don't even use my desktop any more. All my day to day home computing is on my iPad, so I guess i'm an "iPhone" OS kinda guy...... Not really Mac or PC.....
Mac here - I was a PC guy for a very long time (since the dark, er, DOS 3.3 days), but finally made the switch in 2008.

I won't switch back as long as I can help it. Windows caused me too much grief, and as much as I do like Windows 7 (XP was the best version prior to this), it's still got the registry, DLLs, etc..

If Microsoft REALLY wants to compete with Apple, they need to do something similar to what Apple did - do a full rewrite on the OS, making a form of Linux/UNIX the base system...until they do, they'll continue to have all these PC issues.

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