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What Do You Sync With (Mac or PC)?

What do you sync (or plan to sync) your iPad with?

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I ended up getting a Mac

I got rid of my MacBook Pro about 8 months ago and bought a new HP 17.3" quad core laptop but now I'd like to get rid of the HP and go back to a Mac. I'd really like to go to an iMac. I've used iMacs before and they are really nice systems. Now that my iPad is scheduled to arrive next Wednesday (May 26th), I'm thinking about putting my HP laptop on Craigslist for trade for a reasonably new iMac. If you have really nice Apple toys, you should run them on a Mac so you can get all the functionality out of them.

Before you read this, the formatting is a mess because I'm using my iPad and it doesn't have any arrow keys on the soft keyboard.

I went out last Friday and bought an iMac so now my HP 17.3" quad core laptop is just sitting on my desk. I ended up buying an Early 2009 model iMac. I really wanted a new one but couldn't justify the price difference. I just can't believe how Macs hold their value. A few negatives to buying it the way I did, I didn't get the specs I wanted, it only had 2GB RAM and it was full of nude photos (I did a system restore and got rid of them). Even with only 2 GB RAM it performed really well. I had it running multiple web browsers,
Photoshop CS5, Word, a Windows XP virtual machine and iTunes with my new iPad and my iPod Touch. No way could I have done all that on a PC with only
2GB of RAM. I am really impressed. I did go ahead and upgrade the RAM
though. Apple really makes some great products. Wish they'd make a PC
based OS even if it was a lite version so PC users could still use PCs. I
wouldn't be surprised if Apple gets some new converts with the release of the
iPad. I've been into the App Store for hours and there are so many great
apps that increase the functionality. Just a tip, if you are looking for a book
and the iBook app doesn't have it, search the app store for it. I found so
many great programming books and video tutorials and they were only like
$3.99 each for most of the titles. I guess I have a new topic for my blog.:)
I loved building computers....since way back when (1978)...I took apart my Atari 400 and when I put it back together, I put a screw thru the video cable...it fried a diod...I went to radio shack and bought some diods and a solder iron....I fixed it before my parents found out...I have been tinkering with computers in one way or another ever since. I will always be a windows fan when it comes to desktops and will always be an Apple fan when it comes to Laptops or Tablets....I will be syncing with a PC.
Mac, only because I'm lucky enough to have one.

I do believe they are very expensive, but if you can afford it you will never regret it.

I swap out the hard drive to run Windows. I've never found a PC that can run Windows as well as on my Macbook Pro. (Granted the apps that let you run Windows while running OS X aren't that useful as Windows takes up too many resources to share them with OS X)

As for the guy who was having problems syncing apps - Make sure you are running the latest version of iTunes.
pc, i always have always will, mac computers just arent for me, but apple gadgets are way better and more fun :p
A Mac is a PC.

You do have a good point.

In fact someone else said they wished Mac made PC's, well, I've heard of people buying Macbook Pros taking them home, reformatting them and installing Windows.

Mac makes the best PC - I'll argue that all day long.

As for Windows vs OS-X - I won't get into that argument.
I've used Windows based computers primarily for the past 16 years and I just dabbled in Macs until about 3 months ago when I switched to Mac for good. Both operating systems have their good points but Mac computers with the Mac OS can run better on less hardware (i.e. RAM, CPU, etc.) and not show any lag in performance. If you tried to run Windows Vista on 2GB RAM you would definitely see some lag and drop in performance. When I first got my early 2009 iMac, it came with only 2GB RAM and a 2.66GHz cpu and I have been able to simultaneously run Adobe Photoshop CS5, Microsoft Word, Safari, iTunes with my iPad connected, Mail, and Parallels 5.0 running Windows XP. I doubt a Windows based PC could multi-task that well on 2GB RAM and a 2.66GHz cpu. In fact, my iMac has performed better than the HP laptop that I replaced and the HP laptop is running Windows 7, it has a quad core cpu and 8GB RAM. The lack of performance from the HP Quad core laptop is what made me decide to replace it with an iMac after I ordered my iPad. I wanted to make sure my iPad would be connected to a computer/operating system that would afford me the best ability to use every aspect of my iPad. I'm still finding things that run a lot smoother using a Mac product to interface with my iPad (such as iPhoto). I definitely don't find myself missing my pc. All that being said, I do wish Apple and Microsoft could work out some kind of compromise to make it easier to use some applications on either operating system. Apple offers Safari for Windows or Mac but Microsoft stopped offering Internet Explorer for Mac in 2004.

neither because it won't let my iPad be the main one and have the others sync with it. I want to download music, make Picts etc, on my iPad first, it is after all what i always have with me. When I plug it into a computer now it wants to delete everything on my iPad and sync with the computer. No fricken way, I just won't sync it to anything. If one day I lose everything, I will go complain about it everywhere! However, losing it one day, once, is better than losing it every time I sync it to a computer.

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