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What Do You Sync With (Mac or PC)?

What do you sync (or plan to sync) your iPad with?

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Haha@drag blunt. Macs run windows, ever since the inception of the intel chips. I only use my pc for hardcore gaming and network utilities really. All other times it's 80% iPad, 20% MacBook pro.
Mine is synced with a Mac I get because I train others on it. If it weren't for that I'd be using a PC because my iMac's OS isn't up to date.
Macs are PCs. This really needs to be changed to if you sync with OS X or Windows. PC means personal computer. It can have OS X, Windows, UNIX, Linux, OS/2, etc...installed.
Technically, the Macintosh is a personal computer and thus, a PC, but in general most people equate PC with Microsoft Windows and Macs with OS X. I didn't want to get wordy, but the intro does state:
iTunes runs under OS X on Macs and Windows on PCs so tell us which ...
I think after years Apple's commercials with Hodgman saying I'm a PC and Long I'm a Mac (plus the derivative Microsoft commercials playing off the same) pretty much everyone thinks of PCs as exclusively belonging to Windows and Macs to OS X.

If you're syncing your iPad with OS/2 please send me a private message.
PC's are catching up!
It's surprising how many are syncing with PCs, I would not have predicted that it's nearly even. (Just would've expected a lot more Macs.)

Why would anybody say this when 90% of the computers sold run windows? It is surprising PC is not doing better, on a pro-Apple board you would expect tilted results but Mac is almost a tied and that is just wrong. Me I would never as long as Apple does not support Blu-Ray buy a Mac. Jobs says downloading is the future maybe but not for many years if ever. It takes me a good hour to download 6Gigs with a solid cable connection and at that I am limited to something like 40Gig a month. Downloading is not happening for me. I rather not worry about it play the Blu-Ray on my PS-3, PC laptop etc....
Macs are PCs. This really needs to be changed to if you sync with OS X or Windows. PC means personal computer. It can have OS X, Windows, UNIX, Linux, OS/2, etc...installed.
Technically, the Macintosh is a personal computer and thus, a PC, but in general most people equate PC with Microsoft Windows and Macs with OS X. I didn't want to get wordy, but the intro does state:
iTunes runs under OS X on Macs and Windows on PCs so tell us which ...
I think after years Apple's commercials with Hodgman saying I'm a PC and Long I'm a Mac (plus the derivative Microsoft commercials playing off the same) pretty much everyone thinks of PCs as exclusively belonging to Windows and Macs to OS X.

If you're syncing your iPad with OS/2 please send me a private message.

It's only a marketing scheme with Apple trying to say it is not a PC and trying to separate themselves with I would call a name. But it's still a PC. It's just something that bugs me.
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No PC vs MAC wars I have and still do use both as most of us are forced to do. I can build you the fastest pc you have ever seen. I use a Mac mini, it's way more than I need and it never fights with me. If your a long time pc user you know exactly what I mean :p
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