I had another go at photographing the parakeets roosting this evening.
This is a still from one of the videos I took of them...
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=47443"/>
This is one of my videos on You Tube.....
YouTube Link: http://youtu.be/5DU72A2FUFc
Hope it works
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You caught them in flight! Nice going Richard.
Last night after work, my husband and I had an evening cocktail outside. We enjoyed watching the bats take flight once the sun came down! Very cool!![]()
It took a few tries. They perch for a few seconds and move around so quickly. So I tried to video them and then took a screen shot of the video frame which shows them. I then cropped and enhanced the screen shot. This technique has potential.
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It's always so fun to edit homemade videos or trim up pics you've done! I actually got an app that became free on "appsgonefree" called, Snapstill. You take a video a pull stills from the video. It's pretty nifty!!![]()
And here he is, two weeks into Spring now and "Alby", within a matter of about five days, has decided he hates looking like a stick figure and is starting to develop beautiful heart shaped pale green leaves. This summer he will be quite a handsome treeWhile I'm here, just a quick update on my little birch tree "Alby" as illustrated above. With only three days of winter left, this is what Alby looks like now, just a stick figure and not even a shadow of his former self
But another month and he'll "twig" to the fact that it's well into Spring, and he'll start budding into those lovely pale green leaves.
For birches my favorite time of year is spring. I love that new green.
Agreed! Spring is when you somehow feel a kind of force around, call it mother nature if you will. Everything just seems to wake up in a kind of sense of needing to get things done, I think.
Yeah, I love the Birch, maybe because in Australia deciduous trees are much less common compared to our more evergreen native trees. It's a funny tree. It tries to grow its branches pointing as much as possible up to the sky yet it gets its mature leaves all hanging downwards.
What a lovely description of a tree!
I like birches for a few reasons, one of them is their unique bark.