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What is left to add on iPad3? Worth the wait?

Rumors are a two edged sword. While they do generate free advertising (especially if you are Apple) they also cause backlash when people's favorite rumor turns out to be untrue. Half the reason people are calling the iPad 2 a bleh update is because the rumors created a lot of hope and/or expectations for the new device.

The other half is also based on rumors, not of the iPad 2, but what the iPad 3 will be. A lot of people are waiting because they hope/expect big things there. I'm not saying they are wrong, but these are all rumors too, and they negatively impact the current perception of the iPad 2. [ok, i admit to making up my statistics ;) ]

Given this, I doubt Apple is the source of most of the rumors. Some, probably, but only the most conservative ones. You know, the ones that turned out to be true.

On the positive side, nobody who pays any attention to the news could have possibly missed that Apple launched a new product, or that a lot of people were excited about it.
I think I'm going down the path of updating on every other release. I love my 3GS iPhone. Hate the iPhone 4look and feel so quite happily waiting for iPhone 5. I think this may be the case for the iPad. I love my iPad. But apart it looking a he'll of a lot sexier and running faster (and I'm already impressed with the speed on this iPad) I just don't get the feeling that I absolutely have to have one. But then again as soon as I actually get to hold and touch one I probably will fall in love and just have to have it. And I'll be damned if my mum gets one before me! I'll give her this one! Hehe.

I think iPad 3 will have the same incremental increases in tech like the iPhones do. Better screen res, it's already mega thin so no where to go there, new one is fast as but I'm sure they have ore tricks up their sleeves. And of course probably waiting for iPads to saturate the market before they bring out the flash version so the craziness starts again and we all go mad having to get the flash enabled iPad.
Rumors are a two edged sword. While they do generate free advertising (especially if you are Apple) they also cause backlash when people's favorite rumor turns out to be untrue. Half the reason people are calling the iPad 2 a bleh update is because the rumors created a lot of hope and/or expectations for the new device.

Marketers will tell you that "negative publicity is better than no publicity": it's not just about the immediate short-term where a small group may be disappointed by their own unrealistic expectations, but the bigger picture where the general audience (i.e. including non-tech people) cannot fail to miss that something big is going down at Apple.

Even if they don't know or care about the details, even an inkling that "oh, Apple is up to something again" only consolidates the brand and mindshare which Apple has in their awareness. Everyone's talking about iPad 2 now - does anyone even remember the Xoom, which is only under two weeks old right now? That kind of marketing power is the twenty-foot wall that Apple's competitors are up against, regardless of the relative merits of their products.
Rumors are a two edged sword. While they do generate free advertising (especially if you are Apple) they also cause backlash when people's favorite rumor turns out to be untrue. Half the reason people are calling the iPad 2 a bleh update is because the rumors created a lot of hope and/or expectations for the new device.

Marketers will tell you that "negative publicity is better than no publicity": it's not just about the immediate short-term where a small group may be disappointed by their own unrealistic expectations, but the bigger picture where the general audience (i.e. including non-tech people) cannot fail to miss that something big is going down at Apple.

Even if they don't know or care about the details, even an inkling that "oh, Apple is up to something again" only consolidates the brand and mindshare which Apple has in their awareness. Everyone's talking about iPad 2 now - does anyone even remember the Xoom, which is only under two weeks old right now? That kind of marketing power is the twenty-foot wall that Apple's competitors are up against, regardless of the relative merits of their products.

Well, I won't argue with the marketers. It would be bad for my image. ;)

Still, Apple does not suffer from a lack of publicity, and I don't think any marketer will say that bad publicity is better than good. After all, when you are used to steak the goal is to get better steaks, not spam. [I'm sure there are some culinary challenged people out there that prefer spam, just pretend I'm not talking about you.] ;)

Well, there was that guy a few months back that was using bad publicity to boost his Google standings. Probably on the well proven principle that it is easier to piss people off than to please them. And pissed people are far more likely to go out of their way to complain than pleased people are to praise.
This is awesome [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXvchQgGMBI&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/ame]
Guys that expect retina display forget it.
All I want is a higher display 720 x1080 p, a better camera, higher RAM for developers to use, better speakers and a home button that's easier to double/triple click.
Well, there was that guy a few months back that was using bad publicity to boost his Google standings. Probably on the well proven principle that it is easier to piss people off than to please them. And pissed people are far more likely to go out of their way to complain than pleased people are to praise.

Sure, we live in a curious culture where we are fascinated with famous people sometimes for no other good reason than that they are famous (if that makes any sense.) Not sure why, but there you go.

Speaking of fame, that's the other twenty-foot wall that Apple's competitors are up against: Apple has such a strong brand presence which is practically unassailable. You can throw money at the R&D problem to build up a strong technical team to take on Apple in hardware. You can throw money at the design and interface to create a superior user experience for the product. And you certainly can throw money at advertising to claw back some of the audience mindshare.

But if over the years people have come to feel that Apple as a brand is cooler, smarter and groovier (than the competition), there's just very little they can do in the short term to overturn that kind of perception. To put it in perspective: after one year, Apple have already released two versions of their tablet, when their closest competitors are still struggling with vapourware and half-crippled products to market. It is really a case of "I'd consider an alternative - assuming there was one to consider" for many consumers.
tzimisce said:
Sure, we live in a curious culture where we are fascinated with famous people sometimes for no other good reason than that they are famous (if that makes any sense.) Not sure why, but there you go.

Speaking of fame, that's the other twenty-foot wall that Apple's competitors are up against: Apple has such a strong brand presence which is practically unassailable. You can throw money at the R&D problem to build up a strong technical team to take on Apple in hardware. You can throw money at the design and interface to create a superior user experience for the product. And you certainly can throw money at advertising to claw back some of the audience mindshare.

But if over the years people have come to feel that Apple as a brand is cooler, smarter and groovier (than the competition), there's just very little they can do in the short term to overturn that kind of perception. To put it in perspective: after one year, Apple have already released two versions of their tablet, when their closest competitors are still struggling with vapourware and half-crippled products to market. It is really a case of "I'd consider an alternative - assuming there was one to consider" for many consumers.

Here here, I agree Tzimisce...
Mac OSX Lion ;)

What is this? You are waiting for the new Mac, right?

No, you asked what could be added to make the iPad even better....a full os. And with lion adding all the iPad features and being heavily touch based, it would be stupid for them not to release a tablet mac by the end of the year.

Yes, but we are in the "post-PC" era. now. You aren't supposed to want a full Mac in tablet format (but I sure would like to see it!).
What is this? You are waiting for the new Mac, right?

No, you asked what could be added to make the iPad even better....a full os. And with lion adding all the iPad features and being heavily touch based, it would be stupid for them not to release a tablet mac by the end of the year.

Yes, but we are in the "post-PC" era. now. You aren't supposed to want a full Mac in tablet format (but I sure would like to see it!).

Based on what I'm seeing of lion, it fits that criteria to a T. Best of iPad with all the power and compatibility of a mac. Come on, touch gestures, full screen apps, launchpad, easy wifi obex, and app store and you think they aren't designing a tablet OS??

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