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What is left to add on iPad3? Worth the wait?

Might as well wait for the iPad 6. Well better be safe and wait for 7, maybe 8. Don't want to buy technology that will soon be outdated!!
I think the biggest experience changer is going to be Thunderbolt. It will be what Intel did with developing USB in 96-98. And best of all, it will eventually replace all other interfaces. USB3 has not been getting much support from vendors and now with TB, you can connect USB, Firewire, SD, etc. with no loss of speed. Even eSATA will fall eventually. There will still be some applications that will continue to support them, and it will take years, but other than a few industrial applications, serial, parrallel, and SCSI are no longer a part of computer usage. And so will all the others fade out. I have a Dell laptop that has eSATA, serial, firewire, 4 USB ports, VGA, ethernet, and other ports I don't have a clue about. My MacBook has firewire, USB, ethernet, mini DVI, and SD card. Imagine only one port design that does it all. It would simplify everything for manufacturing.
Based on what I'm seeing of lion, it fits that criteria to a T. Best of iPad with all the power and compatibility of a mac. Come on, touch gestures, full screen apps, launchpad, easy wifi obex, and app store and you think they aren't designing a tablet OS??

I actually agree with your assessment. I think OS X Lion might be a real game changer and might honestly be the first time I would consider giving OS X a shot as a primary operating system. For me it's still a stretch but I am intrigued by the possibilities. I was just poking a little fun at the "post-PC" talk I keep seeing since the iPad2 unveiling.
Looking forward to Lion here too.
What we've seen so far looks good.

Mac OSX Lion ;)

What is this? You are waiting for the new Mac, right?

No, you asked what could be added to make the iPad even better....a full os. And with lion adding all the iPad features and being heavily touch based, it would be stupid for them not to release a tablet mac by the end of the year.
Exactly why I'm holding out on iPad2.
Going to give iPad 2 a miss and wait for 3 or switch over to a different brand altogether, but that will be at least another 6 or 7 months. I just feel 2 is more of a fancier version of 1 in terms of looks but nothing more really. They haven't addressed some of the shortcomings on iPad 1 in terms of functionality other than the camera.

I will wait or iPad 3, and if that s not a Massive improvement, I am sure there will be some excellent competing products by then.

Isn't Microsoft partnering with anyone to launch a Windows based version of the tablet that includes the ever popular MS Office?
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Ok here is my prediction....
The next "pad" will be a " Mac Pad".
They will do away with the $999 Mac book and make a very close a comparable unit for around the $8-900 pp. This will allow them to sell a ton of apps and dominate the low end notebook arena.(I say this even though Steve has said that they would not be making a "computer") Remember we are now in the post PC Era and that would help Apple to corner that market as well.
Looking forward to Lion here too.
What we've seen so far looks good.

What is this? You are waiting for the new Mac, right?

No, you asked what could be added to make the iPad even better....a full os. And with lion adding all the iPad features and being heavily touch based, it would be stupid for them not to release a tablet mac by the end of the year.
Exactly why I'm holding out on iPad2.

I think me too. So ( be nice :D ) the iPad does NOT have a full operating system? And lion is the os for the Mac?
Looking forward to Lion here too.
What we've seen so far looks good.

What is this? You are waiting for the new Mac, right?

No, you asked what could be added to make the iPad even better....a full os. And with lion adding all the iPad features and being heavily touch based, it would be stupid for them not to release a tablet mac by the end of the year.
Exactly why I'm holding out on iPad2.

Looking forward to Lion here too.
What we've seen so far looks good.

No, you asked what could be added to make the iPad even better....a full os. And with lion adding all the iPad features and being heavily touch based, it would be stupid for them not to release a tablet mac by the end of the year.
Exactly why I'm holding out on iPad2.

I think me too. So ( be nice :D ) the iPad does NOT have a full operating system? And lion is the os for the Mac?

Actually, just Googled and Lion will be the new OS for the Mac....right?
Quote. Isn't Microsoft partnering with anyone to launch a Windows based version of the tablet that includes the ever popular MS Office? Quote

Oh late 2012 now according to press releases to day..... That is a long time between lunch....even if you have a Fosters. But in saying that ASUS and samsung have products coming $1300 plus
Well for a start Bluetooth mouse support would be a winner.

But wouldn't a mouse kind of defeat the whole purpose of having a touchscreen device?

tzimisce said:
But wouldn't a mouse kind of defeat the whole purpose of having a touchscreen device?

If you are working at a desk and just use the iPad as a monitor, mouse support would be very useful.
There are situations where mouse support would be desirable such as being able to see the contact point that's usually hidden under your finger when drawing...

It's not a must but if I had the option I would like to use it sometimes.
It's the same kind of debate as having a camera. Yes or no? A: Sometimes...

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