iPF Noob
I bought Notes Plus on sale and found it's interface annoying. For example, It requires too many unintuitive screen gestures for basic functions. I switched to Note Taker HD, watched the YouTube video to get started, and am totally satisfied. The latest release adds folders.
I'm keeping an eye on Notes Plus because the developer is talking about an add-in for handwriting recognition. After many years with a Palm I do miss that!
+1 I spent quite a bit of time trying to use Notes Plus and no matter how much I tried, a pen and legal pad still beat it in terms of efficiency and ease of use. Been using Note Taker HD for a few weeks and have found the user interface considerably more intuitive.
Have to say, though, that apart from the novelty of these apps, I've not found anything (sadly) that competes with a pen and paper. Another poster mentioned that he continues to use the old low tech solution and then takes a photo of his page of notes. Not nearly as sexy an approach but I strongly suspect he spends less time and captures information more efficiently than using any note taking app.