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What is your favorite ios5 update


iPF Noob
Now that I finally got it working... I have to say my favorite feature is the split keyboard. I love it! What's yours?
Yes I was waiting for that new feature. But I find it too tiny for thumb typing. Maybe I need to give it more time.
If it helps ... the keyboard is larger if you hold the iPad in landscape mode.

I know, doesn't help for portrait, but it's something...


You are correct that the split keyboard is slightly wider in landscape mode. At first I didn't notice it until trying to type in portrait mode. Definitely have more typos in portrait. I always preferred landscape anyway for the larger fonts.

If the split keyboard were wider, it would be harder for the thumbs to reach. Its going to take getting used to...
Forgetful said:
How to activate split keyboard, please?

2 fingers together on the normal keyboard when it comes up then spread them apart. Another option is to touch and hold the keyboard icon (bottom right of keyboard).

The Archangel
I like the "speak selection" feature. When you highlight a word or words you get the option to Copy - Define - Speak. It's nice for emails.
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Swipe from app to app on iPad 2

And as lame as it is: notification swipe down on iPhone. I hated the interrupters.
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Tomscave said:
I like the "speak selection" feature. When you highlight a word or words you get the option to Cut - Paste - Speak. It's nice for emails.

Didn't know about that one! Cool. I love the ability to swype between apps rather than click the home button all the time. Love the new calendar functions. Love the notifications. Love the Emoji keyboard! That's cool! So many little things. Split keyboard is my least favorite! LOL

I don't see the "speak" option, but I do see a "define" option which is awesome!
I have an iPad 1...and tried doing those swipe gestures and it doesn't work...is it maybe only for iPad 2?

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