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What is your routine steps when you access you IPAD?


iPF Novice
My Fourth week into this addition and I found myself in a standard routine. 1. IPF for tips & tricks and community 2. Drudge. 3 Local News 5 emails 6. Get my daily verses in Then play time on the web. My only deviation is if I need to look something up for work, need to verify a fact on the web or if the kids/grands kids are around then three swipes left and hand it them. Is this normal? I use it much more than my laptop. I guess it's because I can sit with the family and not be locked away in my office.

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Since I started to use the Ipad I hardly ever used my laptop. I prefer to sit outside or in front of the TV using the different apps. I guess it is normal. I even got my bluetooth Logitech speakers out again to listen to the music via the Ipad.

It is just an allrounder for me.

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I use my laptop less and less since i got the ipad. To put it simply, i love my ipad :), especially tying from the bed lying down as i am doing right now :)

Sent from my iPad using iPF, using iOS 4.3.1
Hmm Most mornings start with tea in bed and a quick look at google news.
That's followed by Pulse set for the major daily newspapers.
Next up is River of News to glance over the rss feeds I follow.
Tea is now finished and I arise.
Email is left till Later.
When I am in Nigeria, as I am now, my iPad is a blessing. I remember switching it on since 9 am yesterday with the battery powering it on. i am proud to say I still have 50% of my battery life. Power here is so erratic that it is completely unreliable. All the way, the ipad comes to my assistance with checking emails, checking forums, browsing the newspapers online, and checking my magazines such as The Economist. Of course, I listen to music and read my books from my EBooks. I make use of the musical keyboard in my GarageBand when I am bored. Now I use my laptop less frequently. To be precise, my laptop is on 20% of the time, the remaining 80% being shared between almighty ipad and blackberry.

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Hmm! Work day

Download all newspapers, read e-mail, IPF update, any downloads to update, safari for info to relate to my lessons at school - morning
IPF, news, e-mail, read a book, BBC iplayer - afternoon


The same, except I am on this iPad all day - a bit addictive - especially IPF - although in summer I am on patio - watering, gardening with music or reading
akintomide said:
When I am in Nigeria, as I am now, my iPad is a blessing. I remember switching it on since 9 am yesterday with the battery powering it on. i am proud to say I still have 50% of my battery life. Power here is so erratic that it is completely unreliable. All the way, the ipad comes to my assistance with checking emails, checking forums, browsing the newspapers online, and checking my magazines such as The Economist. Of course, I listen to music and read my books from my EBooks. I make use of the musical keyboard in my GarageBand when I am bored. Now I use my laptop less frequently. To be precise, my laptop is on 20% of the time, the remaining 80% being shared between almighty ipad and blackberry.

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I was writing the last note at around 0912 on 23 Apr 11. My battery life is still 48% now after 24 hours. My laptop wont even do 30 minutes after power goes off.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Now talking about routine steps.
Wake up from Bed. Of course my iPad is on a table nearby, always power on.
Check for emails on it.
Check the iPad Forums.
Check the Facebook from it.
Check the Twitter from it.
Listen to Music - Gospel Music Genre from my Ipad.
Go for Morning Prayer in the Living Room around 6am. Singing from ipad and bible passages from ipad.
Come back to iPad and leave it on. Checking on NewsPapers of the Day.
Reading the current book from EBooks.
If I have to go out, my Ipad goes in to the case and it goes out with me. My MIFI is helpful here.
I use the Map to locate direction sometimes.

I cant remember what I do now that iPad is not part of.

You may call it ADDICTION
But I call it useful ADDITION
You may call it a TOY
BUT I call the iPad useful TOOL

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I, too, have developed a morning routine. I try to limit anything more than what I list here [for the morning .. before work/school] but, gosh! This thing is addictive!

I make my coffee and get breakfast out. Then, while drinking/eating, I ...

... check mail ... read RSS feeds using River of News ... check out The Funnies ... check the forum out on Atomic ... go into Friendly for Facebook updates and, if there is time before I must start to get ready for school/work ... look in the App Store for any updates ... look in Cydia for any updates and finally, ... see if I can play a word or two in Words With Friends.

Again, the iPad has made my morning routine very relaxed - but I sure have to make sure I don't take too much time. If I do, then it's a rush to get out the door. Ruins all the casual, relaxing stuff...

I never turn my device off, and it's email push sound can be heard all around the house :)

Whenever I'm passing my home office I'm constantly just checking new forum posts. I don't have a lap top only a couple of desk top pc's, which I only turn on during work hours these days.
At home, email, web browsing, CNN and other news. On vacations, same and downloading pictures to view and edit. Now I can leave the laptop at home. Everything I need is on the iPad and eaiser to carry!
What is river of news and where is it? Thanks

River of News is, IMNSHO, the best RSS feed reader on the app store. It's $3.99 (USD) in the Apple Store. It syncs with Google feeds, which I find very convenient.

I just like the very clean interface and easy browsing. But, as always, YMMV.


P.S. And yes, I've tried a lot of the other readers (some of them having higher ratings/more publicity on the app store) and some of for which I paid good money. But, they always compared unfavorably to RoN.

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