Just finished: "The Thing That Came from Somewhere" by Don Ross & Andy McKee.
It is good, though probably not what most people would think from the name.
YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UXSwNfDdTk&list=PL62D5C582E9713FA6
Amazing the sound talented hands can craft from wood and steel.
Thx for this TP.
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Here is what the station looked like this morning, before I added Don Ross and Doyle Dykes; and blocked a couple more artists.
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=49556"/>
ITunes radio may come to Canada in 2014.
We've been unlucky in the streaming music universe. No Pandora, Spotify, Google Play Music All Access, or Rhapsody. They're all geo-locked. Only Rdio and Songza are available here.
Guess E. Cue is like the rest of them; believing only beaver, moose and grizzlies inhabit regions north of the frontier. Wonder if iTunes radio is in Alaska?
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It's probably licensing issues. Isn't it always? Or perhaps Apple so loves our Canadian neighbors that they refuse to use you as beta testers, because I can assure you at times it reminds you that it's not perfect.
Right it's been stalling every other song, but that could be my networks fault.
Currently listening to "Give Me Cornbread When I'm Hungry" by John Fahey. I've always liked bluesgrass.