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What music are you listening to right now!?!?

Check this out for a classic ( for me anyway )

Crockett's Theme - Miami vice


Sent from my awesome iPhone 5S 64gb Gold using ipf
Carmina Burana: St Louis Symphony Orchestra

My own rip, being played in a manner I'm sure Orff could never have envisioned, but would probably have approved.

The music files are held on my iPhone 5S, which is wirelessly transmitting them to my Yamaha RX-A730.

I love technology.
From "Hänsel und Gretel" by Engelbert Humperdinck:

Abendsegen (Abends will ich schlafen gehn)

This song is performed by two women, a soprano singing the part of Gretel, the girl, and an alto, singing the part of the boy, Hänsel.

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I'm So Afraid

The Dance

Fleetwood Mac

IMO, one of the great bands of all time.
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I love the quote at the end of your post!! Sent from my Black 64GB Fifth Generation iPod touch using iPF
Thank you! It's my signature. :-) (And this was one of my extremely "wise" posts. Sorry! :-))
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