iPad Fan
Well, west coast English is what you hear a lot in movies! Unless and accent is called for! In Canada, BC & Albertan's sound exactly the same as from Alaska to California! It is all West Coast! It's quite amazing now that you said that! It's a long way from the Arctic circle to the bottom of California! Hours and hours on a plane! But we all sound the same! As soon as you move one or two states in the U.S. mostly southern areas and especially TEXAS!!!! They have an accent! It's wonderful to listen to an ole boy from Texas! I guess I just love cowboys ( the guys who are cowboys in their heart and soul ) ! I think their motto is mostly live and let live! If what you are doing is making you happy , so be it.
Every cowboy I ever sat down for supper with at our house was like that! They also all believed in a higher power! Your dialects just happen in smaller bundles!

Every cowboy I ever sat down for supper with at our house was like that! They also all believed in a higher power! Your dialects just happen in smaller bundles!

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