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What music are you listening to right now!?!?

So true Chris. Really love his songs. Always sad to hear about.

Sent from my new iPad using iPF
Thank God I'm a country boy, by John Denver.

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For what it's worth I play keyboards and Lazy ala Jon Lord has eluded me too.

Guy in town was selling a vintage Hammond B3 but he wanted $5,000 for it.
I'm sure it's worth it but I don't sleep well in a car.


Sent from my iPhone using iPF

A Hammond B3 would be great. I haven't seen a real one for almost 30 years. Keyboard was actually my first instrument, but guitars were far more portable so I got hooked on that when I was 14. Best I can do is sampled emulations of the B3. A lot cheaper!

Listening to 'Jeux Sans Frontiers' by Peter Gabriel.
Hide and seek by imogen heap

I heard that imogen heap died in February
Im not sure if its true

But if so

R.I.P imogen heap
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Chilling to "Air 10,000hz legend " - " lucky & unhappy" taking it easy on a friday night!
And now : Planet discovery - leaving terra

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Stooshie - Black heart. ♥It

: ) happiness is free

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