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What music are you listening to right now!?!?

Kaykaykay said:
Is that an explanation for Tiny Tim? (I just don't get him at all.)

I do wish you hadn't said that, Kay.

I just had to go looking, didn't I?

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scifan57 said:
Too late Kevin, I found it first.;)

You think? Check out the one I found. It's horrible. Better still, take my word for it and save your sanity. I'm off to find some cleansing music.

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The 70s were strange times, musically speaking, especially in the UK.

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But it produced some of the best music around. Pink Floyd,Kansas,Fleetwwod Mac and countless others.
KevinJS said:
You think? Check out the one I found. It's horrible. Better still, take my word for it and save your sanity. I'm off to find some cleansing music.

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How about the Times They Are A-Changin' by Bob Dylan?

There's also Blowin' In The Wind

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iJamesH said:
But it produced some of the best music around. Pink Floyd,Kansas,Fleetwwod Mac and countless others.

Ah. Great idea. Albatross. Fleetwood Mac.

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iJamesH said:
But it produced some of the best music around. Pink Floyd,Kansas,Fleetwwod Mac and countless others.

The later Beatles songs, the Rolling Stones.
I hate blowin in the wind. Reminds me of my music teacher. She played it all the time. Yugh. I don't see the fascination with him. He's so mournful and sad. Yugh. Give me happy music anyday.

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