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What other Apple products do you own?


Staff member
List the Apple products you currently own:

I'm running an old 20" 2gz imac (dual monitors), macbook pro 2.2hz. My son has an iPod touch, my wife has an iPhone 3gs and an iPod Nano. Soon I hope to add a 27" iMac i7 to the collection!
Im on a MacBookPro right now. Yes, this computer is very old, like 2 years around. But it gets the job done, and has monthly updates. My mother has the Ipod. The orginal large one, like 32 gigabites i believe. Maybe more dont know. Im currently saving up for a islate or an iphone. Possibly a new apple computer if i get lucky!
The nice thing about the macbooks are even though they are expensive they have a long life span. Mine is about 2 1/2 years old and does just find. I recently upgraded it to 4gbs and added a new 320gb 7200rpm. There really isn't anything I can't do on it.
The nice thing about the macbooks are even though they are expensive they have a long life span. Mine is about 2 1/2 years old and does just find. I recently upgraded it to 4gbs and added a new 320gb 7200rpm. There really isn't anything I can't do on it.

heck i can do that with a normal laptop now adays.

I don't have anything really, an ipod but that's about it. Most of the times when i want something i always have a tight budget to buy with, lol.

But i do know enough about apple products, everyone i know has one thing or another... and dan just has one of everything :P
New guy here.....I own a 20" iMac - love it; an iPod Touch (ver 1); and two Mac Notebooks. I opted not to get an iPhone as I'm not a big lover of AT&T, but would consider the iPad later on with them.
Here's my list:

Macbook Pro
1st gen iPod
iPod Photo U2 Edition
1st gen Nano
120gig iPod Classic
My Apple Stuff

Apple iBook clamshell (tangerine)
Apple iBook
iPod Classic
iPod Shuffle
iPod Touch 1G
iPod Touch 2G
Apple Airport Base
It's not an actual TV, just something that connects to the tv to play videos, music, tv shows, etc:


iTouch - 2
iPod nano gen1, gen2, gen4
Wife has MacBookPro
Apple TV

Really? A TV? Mind showing a pic of that, never heard or seen one.
Nice colletion :) I really need to ditch my linksys router and upgrade to an apple airport. It's on the want list, there are just a few other things in front of it!

Apple iBook clamshell (tangerine)
Apple iBook
iPod Classic
iPod Shuffle
iPod Touch 1G
iPod Touch 2G
Apple Airport Base
Nice colletion :) I really need to ditch my linksys router and upgrade to an apple airport. It's on the want list, there are just a few other things in front of it!

Apple iBook clamshell (tangerine)
Apple iBook
iPod Classic
iPod Shuffle
iPod Touch 1G
iPod Touch 2G
Apple Airport Base

An Airport is in my future as well!

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