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What other Apple products do you own?

iPod Shuffle 1gig, (wife's)ipod Nano 4gig, iPod Classic 30gig.

The battery on the 30gig won't even last 2hrs. I've been thinking about a touch, but unsure which size to get.

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Mac Mini 1.66
iPod Touch 1G
iPod 15gb 3rdGen
iBook G4
MacBook 13" 1.83
Ipod 8GB Nano (wife)
Ipod 1GB, 4GB (grandson)

and a series of UMPC/Tablets for the PC.

Mac Mini 1.66
iPod Touch 1G
iPod 15gb 3rdGen
iBook G4
MacBook 13" 1.83
Ipod 8GB Nano (wife)
Ipod 1GB, 4GB (grandson)

and a series of UMPC/Tablets for the PC.


Nice collection. Lets hope to see the Ipad there.:) Welcome btw!
Apple TV is a box like a Tivo, that hooks up to your TV. Don't have one of those, but in our household we have 2 iMacs about 3 -4 years old, 1 iTouch 16Gig that is a 1st Generation (I think). Hubby just bought an iTouch 8Gig. He won't let me touch his computer cuz he says I load to much C**P on it. His, however, needs to be rebooted lots more than mine. :p Still have 2 ancient laptops, but can't get on the internet anymore with them.
I have a MacBook Air and an older iPod classic 160gb. Dad has a Macbook. Step mom is an artist with Mac Pro (dual monitors) and a Macbook Pro.

Traded my iPhone for a Nokia E71 (euro edition) and am thinking of switching back with new iPhone coming out (my contract ends middle of summer ;) ) and am probably getting the iPad when it launches.
iPod Nano
iPod Touch 1st Gen
iPod Touch 3rd Gen

The iPod Touch is an amazing machine if the iPad works as well I think it will save a whole lot of energy because instead of doing this on a lap or desk top I would be doing it on an iPad.
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Mac Pro w/Quad Core Xeon
iMac - 24"
Macbook Pro - 17"
Powerbook G4 - 12"
iPod 60G
iPod 30G
iPod Nano 4G
iPod Touch 16G
I have a new 13' macbook pro, a couple of iPhones (3G and 3GS), 5th gen ipod nano. Planning to get an iPad as soon as the 3G model is available. Like Guy Kawasaki said, Apple makes stuff that is an extension of yourself, that makes your life better...makes sense to me ;)

SuZ said, "Will you put that thing down and pay attention to ME?" :p
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Ditto, but I haven't been around as long.

MacPro (early 2008, dual Xeon)
PowerBook G4 (1.66 Mhz)
iPod Touch (2nd Gen)

Those are my personal machines, although the PowerBook is getting dusty. I'm on call tech-support for extended family Apple tech. I'd love to add an iPad to the list but I don't like getting 1st gen hardware setups. It is quite the conflict.
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Very nice setup. How are you liking the Apple 23" Monitor? I've been looking at monitors and can't decide. I've always had good luck with the Dell monitors, and the professional series seem to offer almost the same quality with a much lower price.

Currently own (1) Mac Pro 2.66 Quad and 23" Apple monitor, (2) ub 2.4 Mac Book Pro 15", (3) 32 GB 2G iTouch, and (4) 80GB iPOD.

Looking to order 16GB Wi-Fi iPad and then give that model to wife and buy 2 Generation iPad when available. I use the Mac Book Pro daily from my reclining chair, but am looking forward to using iPad for web browsing, e-mail and iBook reading. I have a Kindle 2 with 180+ books on it--mostly free classics.
Looking forward to seeing how the iBook store works out and what the reading experience is like on the iPad.

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