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What percentage of iPad owners are running Windows vs Mac on their main PC

depends on the computer, but all pc anything from 98, vista, and xp then 7.

2 of them are work computers, a tower and one I can take on the fly.

when I have the extra $ I want an apple but idk what yet.
I manage several hundred windows PC's but my main PC at home that i sync with is a MAC MINI running OSX Snow Leopard.
I am running Windows Vista, XP Pro, XP Media Center Edition, Server 2003, Server 2008 and Snow Leopard.

My iTunes is on my Mac Mini only.
This article should answer most questions on iPad owners trends. I didn't post the actualy article because there's a large number of graphs and charts.

The State of iPad Satisfaction

According to those ipad surveys 82 percent use mac and 10 percent use mac and windows both.
So basically over 90% of iPad owners use Macs.
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Thank you for the stats.

I would be curious where the survey took place. It seems that it was a media with high Apple affinity.

Probably, only Apple could tell us the stats based on their logs. Do they provide such insights?
We did a survey sometime back regarding what do you sync with and based on 200 responses it was 50 50 from this forum I am happy to set up another poll as we now have almost 10,000 members but frankly I think results will be similar in saying that I would not be surprised if apple was 60%
We did a survey sometime back regarding what do you sync with and based on 200 responses it was 50 50 from this forum I am happy to set up another poll as we now have almost 10,000 members but frankly I think results will be similar in saying that I would not be surprised if apple was 60%

Yea,,, let's see what stats say today with 10,000 members.. How many members on the first survey?

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