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What screen resolution do you want?

I really don't see the point of anything higher than what we have now honestly. If iOS allowed for multiple windows to be displayed at the same time then resolution would be a big deal. Right now it seems like everything displays pretty well at the current resolution. I guess if the iPad becomes a serious photo editing tool then higher resolutions would be required, but until that time I am happy where we are now.
The market is being told that higher res is the thing. I agree that the iPad is gorgeous as is, but as much as Apple is making of their iPhone screens, everyone expects more. It won't affect the screen attributes very much, but for some people it will be essential. At least in their minds.
I find this thread and many others so lacking of what it takes to support these so-called wants and desires.

that's certainly true, but the majority of us out here cant back up and support our wants technically because we dont know how and have the knowledge. and does it matter? this forum is for all of us, not just those few in the technical know-how.

i've mentioned 1280x960 as my idea size as thats a res i deal with a lot in my work, and i certainly cant see the advantage (for me) for a double size or retina display. but in essence i completely agree with the last comments - it's pretty brilliant the way it is. im not really complaining :)
1280x960 would be nice as that way it would support the basic HD resolution. Apart from that I'm not sure a higher resolution would be worth it, if only for the extra processing power it would require. I like my 10+ hour battery life, and as higher res screens eat more power it could be difficult to keep the battery life we see now.
I'd definitely like something a good deal higher than the current 1024x768, but as I'm a frequent portrait user for e-reading, I certainly want the aspect ratio maintained.

I'd love to see it happen, but I think doubled resolution (like what happened with the Iphone 4) is unrealistic for a couple reasons:

1. those displays can't be cheap to manufacture - the retina has one of the highest pixel densities of any display out there, and it's only affordable because of it's size. Consider that IPS displays capable of 2048x1536 res of any size run $600-700 at an absolute minimum (though different AR), and that baking those specs into a display that's only 10 inches is probably going only going to increase cost. I just can't see it being affordable enough to put in a mainstream tablet that's going to see a LOT of downward price pressure from emerging Android tablets in the next year or so.

2. Dramatically increasing resolution like that requires a commensurate increase in processing power and energy storage capacity. Even modern $300 video cards that draw 100 watts or more have some difficulty running games at comparable resolutions. Granted, 3d apps on the ipad3 probably won't be as graphically demanding, but suffice to say that hardware would need a serious shot in the arm to support that display.

I think a more modest increase to the standard 1280 res might be more realistic unless Apple is planning on bifurcating their tablet market into a "premium" market and a standard market. Naturally, that wouldn't make much sense either.

Just my 2c

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