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What series do you follow / like / love / hate...

I am a tv addict. I love almost everything. My friends berate me for my love of US shows but I can't help it. What I am watching at the moment...

The Cape
Law and Order UK
the Glee Project
Royal Pains
Falling Skies
The Killing
Born to Shine

Other shows I am waiting for to come back...

Burn Notice
The Gadget Show

And so it goes on lol

Shows that got cancelled that I loved
Pushing Daisies
10 things
Eli Stone
Flash Forward.

Sent from my iPad in Derby, England
The Vampire Diaries, love it. It's the only thing I HAVE to watch. Waiting for the next series to arrive on our screens :-)

From Alison, Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Series im following via dvd:
-greys anatomy
-army wives
-big love

Look forward tonite to seeing season openers of:
-hair battle spectacular
-great food truck race

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Warehouse 13
True Blood
Game of Thrones
Empire Boardwalk
Falling Skies
The Walking Dead
Who Do You Think You Are?
Vampire Diaries

(We watch a lot of DVR'ed TV)
We are enjoying Joanna Lumley's Nile trip. It's a repeat, and very good.    

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In October in time for Halloween. That's what I read anyway. I really hope so. It's a great series.

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Lets see, now i follow The Vampire Diaries which i lovee and also Glee :)
In the past i've watched Lost which i loved and miss it :(
Heroes but stopped watching around season 4 i think because it got boring for me and also beause i spolied the ending for myself :/ (I tend to do that alot)
I think thats it sadly :S i'm sure there has to be more which i don't remember now!

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My faviourte shows to watch are weeds, entourage, burn notice and dexter. Anyone know of any shows similar to these that i might enjoy watching?
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Shayla said:
... it got boring for me and also beause i spolied the ending for myself :/ (I tend to do that alot)

Me too. I do get disappointed when I am right lol.

Sent from my iPad in Derby, England

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