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whats difference between mobile me and drop box


iPF Noob
besides mobile me costing money whats the difference between mobile me and drop box. i have mobile me and i am reading about drop box for ipad i am still unclear why i would need drop box.
DropBox is one of those "cloud" places. In the simplest terms, it is a remote storage facility for your "stuff". Back in the "good old days", you had to have your data and your application in the same place which was on your hard drive. But with networks and now the Internet, your "stuff" can be someplace else, anyplace else and all you need is access to it in order to use it.

Think of it like your ATM or debit card from your bank. It used to be that you used to have to carry cash money in your pocket in order to buy something. But now with most businesses taking debit cards, there is no need to carry your physical dollar bills with you. All you need is access to your money and that's what the debit card does.

Probably one of the biggest advantages of the "cloud" is that it makes it very easy to share your "stuff" with other people as long as you give them access to it. Also, if you need access to files at work and at home, you always know where they are.

Clear as mud, eh?

As far as MobileMe, I have never used that so I don't know how they compare.
MobileMe not only gives you a place to store your "stuff" but also provides an email box, calendar and contact synchronization with your PC/Mac and will show you where your iPad is located in case it gets lost/stolen.

Is it worth it? I'm still debating but i paid for a year to see how I use it.

Hope this helps
MobileMe not only gives you a place to store your "stuff" but also provides an email box, calendar and contact synchronization with your PC/Mac and will show you where your iPad is located in case it gets lost/stolen.

Is it worth it? I'm still debating but i paid for a year to see how I use it.

Hope this helps

if you have a lot of mac products like iphone ipad macbook then mobile me is the best to keep them all synced the same. i use it for address book and calendar syncing on all my mac stuff. it also has great file storage i am still unclear about dropbox
DropBox is one of those "cloud" places. In the simplest terms, it is a remote storage facility for your "stuff". Back in the "good old days", you had to have your data and your application in the same place which was on your hard drive. But with networks and now the Internet, your "stuff" can be someplace else, anyplace else and all you need is access to it in order to use it.

Think of it like your ATM or debit card from your bank. It used to be that you used to have to carry cash money in your pocket in order to buy something. But now with most businesses taking debit cards, there is no need to carry your physical dollar bills with you. All you need is access to your money and that's what the debit card does.

Probably one of the biggest advantages of the "cloud" is that it makes it very easy to share your "stuff" with other people as long as you give them access to it. Also, if you need access to files at work and at home, you always know where they are.

Clear as mud, eh?

As far as MobileMe, I have never used that so I don't know how they compare.

my guess its the same with syncing because what ever file i keep in mobile me i can access my ipad mackbook and what ever mac products i have.
I have both.
I got mobile me for one reason: Find My ipad. If it goes missing I want to know where it is and be able to lock it down. I am also using it to synchronize NY address book and calendar with my laptop.
I had DropBox on my PC so it was natural to add it to the iPad. But while i can open the files i put into DropBox from my laptop _I think_ the application you are working has to have an export to DropBox feature built in to be able to upload anything to DropBox.
_I think_ the application you are working has to have an export to DropBox feature built in to be able to upload anything to DropBox.

If the app you are using doesn't have a Dropbox export feature, you can always set it up so you can mail your file to Dropbox (Google "hablis" - it's a free service...and very handy).

As you can probably tell, I use Dropbox (I don't have MobileMe). I don't have any other Apple devices I need to sync, plus I like how Dropbox becomes a simple folder on my PC. Very handy, that. I like it so much that I paid for 50gb, but the 2gb should do fine for testing purposes.

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I use both. I use dropbox for my most-needed files. I like how I can make a direct URL to a specific file.

But Mobile Me I use for syncing primarily. It syncs my contacts, calendar, and web favorites to my iPhone, iPad, and to Outlook on my main pc and laptop.

I also like, but thankfully haven't had to use yet, Find My iPhone/iPad.

I used to use my me.com email account by having all my gmail forwarded to it, so that I got it pushed to iPhone. But now that Gmail can push on its own I don't really use my MM email account.

Finally, while Mobile Me retails for $100, I would not pay that much for it. I just renewed a few weeks ago and got it for $49.99, shipped, via ebay. In case anyone is interested this is from the same place I got it (no affiliation):
NEW MOBILE ME SINGLE USER * LATEST VERSION * MC660Z/A - eBay (item 250699399846 end time Sep-26-10 11:14:29 PDT)


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