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What's the best Valentine's Day gift?

I'm not big on holidays and such. They're fine, but not meaningful to me.

My husband got me flowers and is making a nice dinner, but I'd love him all the same without flowers, dinner and such. I'm super lucky to have him. He's great 365 days a year and is always doing thoughtful, sweet things. I can't imagine being married at all if not to him.
wow, he is a good husband.
Credit due to the moms who raise good men, who become good husbands. In my husband's case, a single mom for many years.

This thread is becoming too woman orientated.....it's the dads that make great children grow into fabulous adults, a firm leadership that is never found in women.....tooooo sickly sweet!

and the best present for valentines......being single......makes for a cheap occasion!

Just a mans input LOL
This thread is becoming too woman orientated.....it's the dads that make great children grow into fabulous adults, a firm leadership that is never found in women.....tooooo sickly sweet!

and the best present for valentines......being single......makes for a cheap occasion!

Just a mans input LOL

Maybe you don't know the right women. And I don't mean just in a romantic sense.
No I just think Valentines Day has become what it has become because of women.

Every day should be special, not just one day in the year, I cook for the girlfriend, one night a week, it's the one night we get to ourselves, I cook, then wash up and then spend the evening topping up her wine glass. She deserves it, the rest of the week she's a great mum, so I like her to have one evening where she can sit back and relax......valentines day is every Friday for us.
Awww! That is so sweet. My hubby cooks most evenings so I'm doubly blessed

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In any relationship, it's how much you're in synch with each other that really matters.

That's why it doesn't make sense to ask strangers what makes a good gift. Everyone -- man or woman -- is different. If you don't know someone well enough to pick a gift, the best bet is to ask that person, or at least be observant of his/her preferences.

I wouldn't care if they permanently canceled Valentine's Day, and I'm a woman. I figure it's all the normal days that count. Good thing is, my husband gets me.
Hubby gave me some daffodils the other day so I get gifts all the time but we kind of make a big deal of valentines day with a special meal like steak or a curry.

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My husband surprised me and bought me chocolate toffee squares and breakfast tea Keurig cups!

Such a surprise to receive it, since we normally don't buy gifts for each other on Valentine's Day! :)
My husband made me a pasta dish that I like, and got me an orchid in a pot. I got him one of his fav chocolates and a gift card to GameStop, because he works too hard and I want him to play more.
Hubby is getting Skyfall and I got yellow freesias to go with my daffodils and a chicken tikka Marsala for dinner. Yum yum.

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