Arnies version pretty much set the story for me , I guess I expected there to be a greater amount of correlation from the old to the new but the similarities are few and far between .
Without disclosing a great deal , the new film is plotted around one planet , Earth .
"Recall" memory implants still hold true to the original , alongside a protagonist , and a wife who's not as she appears but the new 2012 is a story about different factions on opposite sides of the planet as opposed to different planets like the original .
For me I wasn't impressed , there are a few aspects carried on from the original , but for me it felt as though they were too deliberate to help people recognize the relationship to the original .
For example Arnie has to remove a tracker from his nose after being told where it was , likewise so does the new version but this time he has to remove a phone from his hand ( you'll understand after watching) .
The three breasted woman appears again , perhaps expected that one really as it caused considerable conversation back in the day

If it wasn't for those , and a few ,others I'd have easily thought that the new version could just be another sci-if morality tale with hints of "I Robot" ( for the vehicles ) & Bladerunner ( for the noir ) .
The Arnie version had more 'color' to it , this new version feels like 'Abrams' films , dark scenes , dark clothing, dark environments .
Obviously this is just my opinion or view , perhaps I'm a stickler for remakes staying close to subject rather than throwing in a few reminders on purpose just to make the film interesting . I got kind of bored halfway through and meandered to the end .
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