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What's the last movie you saw?

Absolutely, but like most sequels they tend to dive towards the ground within the first 7 or like 9'mins . Huhuh,
However I would say that Die Hard 2 was really good a good as sequels go ...........for example Ms J. Let's take Jaws as it is perfect to reinforce the idea of just how the dive ends on the ground . See
JAWS , ( to Me) was the best movie ever simply because the impact it actually had in the real world not mention all great things and F/X that were in the movie. People wouldn't go into the waters .after this movie and tourism slowed a bit and some smaller businesses along the coast claimed it shut them down , how true that is I'm not really sure , however I do remember how much there was s change in the Gulf of Mexico beaches at our family home in Florida .Any way these were only a few of many things that occurred after the movie. BUT when Jaws 2 came it had the same expectations for movie goers and when it was over it was so terrible, that it conflicted with the original and sorta lost its credibility . .... In so many words ,... Another one that absolutely made me want to pull the trigger ( put two fingers in throat and hand resembles a pistol, but is used to make yourself throw up ) was Rocky .... it WAS a great movie and after about Rocky 2 i hated the first one. And by the time Rocky 23 came out ( well there was a lot ) huhuhaha I really wanted to pull the trigger .......huhuhaha no no no ...... So I agree Die Hard was the best , and it is rare that movies make a trilogy and all are good .Die hard 3 wasn't bad . Sooooo ...... I liked these sequels and I have the trilogy set DVDs . These are the types you don't mind watching over and over ....dont you think ? ???
Huhuhaha , I will send you the complete set of Friday the thirteenth ,only its called Friday the 57 with sequels . They are just plain awful .......HUHUHAHAHA
Some movies and their sequels are worth watching repeatedly, I agree.

I've never seen one of the Friday 13th movies, and I don't intend to watch them.
Some movies and their sequels are worth watching repeatedly, I agree.

I've never seen one of the Friday 13th movies, and I don't intend to watch them.
Well you certainly won't miss out actually you are saving yourself
by proxy in no disire to see any of them. I like the movies and the whole schpill of what it takes to make . One of the most fun jobs I ever had as an electrician was on a crew filming in the south. It was intense . It started out as extra work from my regular job and was grip helper. I suddenly found myself as the electrical supervisor in a short period and got to see wonderful things that most would never see or know the concept on how was that possible .So I quit my regular day job and I began to travel ,
But only in the south . It was a great life experience and when I wanted no more of the traveling I parted on a good feelings and invitation to go to California with this crew as superintendent with some of the greatest guys and gals I've ever known . The movies today with CGI is phenomenal, but it lacks the boom of a real detonation in the older ways film was made but equally effective. And safer. I'm going to post a really good movie I only saw a few days ago and it is a really good movie . I suggest you check it out .
I didn't notice in the first time watched it and was curious wher the film was shot , so as I was rewinding the credits to replay it had an excerpt ( did I use this word correctly) that stated it took over 15,000 men and women to make .HUNGH ! WHAT ,,,,!!!
Unbelievable, perhaps you may have seen and if not and you do
It is then clear .you too would then agree as I , to the why it took so many to produce !
Thanks J.A. For your replys and comments they are nice to read !
And Sci fans as well ...

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