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what's your favourite game on the iPad?

Oh from here I can get the complete list of popular games.

But the game that I am currently playing is Mystery Cruise
Mystery Cruise Adventures HD for iPad on the iTunes App Store love HOG games. They are the only reason that i went for an iPAD rather than iPhone. I have an android phone that ways now i have best of both worlds.

One of my new favorites is Tap the Frog. It's a really fun speed-test type game, like seeing how fast you can do things (tapping). It's really fun, especially because I love frogs! It's really cute! You can even customize your frog! Its full name is actually "Tap the Frog Doodle HD". It's $2.99, also avalible for iPhone, here's the HD link: Tap the Frog Doodle HD for iPad on the iTunes App Store
Anybody try Psychoban yet ? It's a great game that is very additive also Cubis keeps you coming back for more. For a tough game Edge will tie you're stomach in knots.

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