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When to Turn Off iPad

I realize that all of you are correct and I am wrong. I assume Apple made an error on this page:

Apple - Batteries

Everyone can learn, even you experts that are quick to say NO, don't drain the battery.

Rats makes me realise how lazy I've been.
Have only turned mine off three times in the last six months and it's been in daily use. Haven't noticed any impact on battery life though.
I love how half of the responses (including mine :P ) have nothing to with the op's question... He asked when should he turn it completely off, and a bunch of people start arguing over when to drain the battery and charging... Lol


I know!! Isn't that funny! I asked once on a thread, "How many iPads do you have?"

Folks told me how many iPhones, Ipods, Apple computers they had too! It is a trip when off topic we go!
I realize that all of you are correct and I am wrong. I assume Apple made an error on this page:

Apple - Batteries

Everyone can learn, even you experts that are quick to say NO, don't drain the battery.


No No. You are correct. It is what Apple says and many good folks I know. Stick to what you know is right, doesn't mean everyone does it. ;)
Just to see if I can throw this topic further OFF topic...

Every night, I turn off my iPad after closing all the apps. Then, I plug it in. It comes back on and then goes to sleep eventually.

Is this coming back on after plugging it in action what it's supposed to do?

Not that it bothers me - the iPad seems to work just fine (and is 100% charged in the morning). It's just one of those questions I've been meaning to ask. And derailing this thread seemed like the best spot and time! :D

Is this coming back on after plugging it in action what it's supposed to do?


To tell you that indeed you do have power in the power utility, and the iPAD is going to get some juice. :)

Other wise who knows. Maybe the power outlet is bad, or the Power supply is broken.
Just to see if I can throw this topic further OFF topic...

Every night, I turn off my iPad after closing all the apps. Then, I plug it in. It comes back on and then goes to sleep eventually.

Marilyn ~ mine does that too. There is no bad plug or bad outlet. It has a mind of it's own!:D
Does the iPad have a lithium-ion battery? If so, complete discharge is generally not recommended for this type.

Does the iPad have a lithium-ion battery? If so, complete discharge is generally not recommended for this type.

You are absolutely right.
That's why every Lap-Top, and I assume the iPAD too has a special protection,
that will shut down the "Device" as soon as it gets to the lower danger point.
I don't know on the iPAD if it is 5% or 2% left. Never got there.
That's why it is highly recommended to keep charging it even on a 50% full.
Just let it sleep every night with the Charger (No offence ;) )

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