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When to Turn Off iPad

As I said earlier but no one seemed to understand, apple recommends you to rundown the battery once a month not to condition the battery or to do ANYTHING to the battery. Running the device from fully charged down to fully discharged calibrates the sensor that tells the iPad how much capacity is left in the battery. So following apples directions makes sure that when your iPad says it has 25% left, that there is exactly 25% left.
I've owned my iPad since its release in the UK back June 2010. I've noticed that after owning the device for 6 months and using it roughly for the same amount of time each day the battery isn't holding its charge as well as it did when I first owned it.

The percentage indictor defiantly drops quicker now than it used to do. Still, I get plenty of standby time on a full charge as well as a full days usage before needing a re-charge.

Anyone else noticed any drop in battery performance after 6-7 months of use ?.

Does the iPad have a lithium-ion battery? If so, complete discharge is generally not recommended for this type.

I believe the iPad uses lithium polymer cells.

Yes & No.

It is Lithium-ion polymer batteries

Take a look at Apples site. Here is a short Quote:

Standard Technology
Lithium-ion polymer batteries pack in a higher power density than nickel-based batteries. This gives you a longer battery life in a lighter package, as lithium is the lightest metal. You can also recharge a lithium-ion polymer battery whenever convenient, without the full charge or discharge cycle necessary to keep nickel-based batteries at peak performance. (Over time, crystals build up in nickel-based batteries and prevent you from charging them completely, necessitating an inconvenient full discharge.)

That is the site (Again)
Apple - Batteries
I've owned my iPad since its release in the UK back June 2010. I've noticed that after owning the device for 6 months and using it roughly for the same amount of time each day the battery isn't holding its charge as well as it did when I first owned it.

The percentage indictor defiantly drops quicker now than it used to do. Still, I get plenty of standby time on a full charge as well as a full days usage before needing a re-charge.

Anyone else noticed any drop in battery performance after 6-7 months of use ?.


How much of a drop off have you seen? It is normal that over time you will see some degradation of the battery, but you should be able to go several hundred charge cycles and have the battery remain at 80% or greater capacity.
"You lazy person you!"
I'm a testament to the law of conservation of energy......

Neither machine has shown any degradation of battery life over the last six months despite never being turned off, so I expect they will last until the new model is out later this year.

Molecular memory... Bah humbug :)

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