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Where have you been on a boat?

Where have I been on a boat? Wow. Did this make me recall my love of water....
So here goes of what I can remember.....
On a ferry in SF bay
Canoe, paddle wheeler on Lake Tahoe
On ski boats on Sacto River, local lakes in Calif and a lake out in middle of nowhere in New Mexico
On a ship fm SF to Yokohama
On a small boat in Atsugi, Japan
On a ship fm Yokohama, to Manila, Hong Kong, Kobe
on 22ft, 27ft, 37ft owned sail boats and dinghies on Sacramento Delta, SF bay, Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Petaluma Rivers
On 22 ft sailboat on Donner Lake, Ca
On sailboat in Greece and Turkish waters
On ferry to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland fm Maine and back
On small ship to Alaska, via North Pacific Coast, InlandPassage, Columbia River
Jet boats on Colorado River and Rogue River
On small ship on Rhine River in Austria and Germany
On small launch fm Naples, Italy to Island of Capri, then on smaller launch to Blue Grotto and back
On dinner cruise aboard large boat on Hudson River
On ferry in NY harbor
On whale watching off Monterey Bay
On Wind surfer on Rancho Seco lake
Fishing boat on Feather River
On Maid of the Mist on Niagara River
Surf board on Waikiki surf
Ferry on Puget Sound
Sail boat from Long Beach, Ca to Catalina Island
here is a pic of my boat and friends heading out on the Bow River out side of Calgary.

I love to snorrcle but have been spoiled by warm waters off the Yucatan.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=39625"/>

WOW, I live in BC, just up and east of Vancouver, There are two huge dams about 1.5 k. away. At the bottom end it goes into the Fraser River there is a dog park ( bonus - no leashes ) and it looks EXACTLY the same as your photo! Canada is so huge geographically but I guess not so different along this Parallel !

As to Califkate - YOWZA!!!!
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USS Bryce Canyon (AD-36), one time we cruised around the Hawai'ian islands for a couple of days once to provide a target to submarines, and convoy protection practice for the surface warships. The rest of the time we spent in port. I was only on her 7 months before she was decommissioned. I completed my (first) tour in Hawai'i on the USS Jason (AR-8 ), and right at the end of my tour, we went on a WestPac (we floated around the Western Pacific). We went from Hawai'i to Yokosuka Japan, down to the Philippines for a couple of weeks, then back up to Japan, where I transferred off. It was mostly boring, except when we had a close fly-by of a Soviet Bear-D recon aircraft. It was 1983.

The rest of my time was in either San Diego, working on <classified>, back to Hawai'i for a tour of shore duty, and then I was sentenced to Guam for three years on a shore station.

All in all, 13 years, 2 months and 2 days, but who was counting? ;-)
USS Bryce Canyon (AD-36), one time we cruised around the Hawai'ian islands for a couple of days once to provide a target to submarines, and convoy protection practice for the surface warships. The rest of the time we spent in port. I was only on her 7 months before she was decommissioned. I completed my (first) tour in Hawai'i on the USS Jason (AR-8 ), and right at the end of my tour, we went on a WestPac (we floated around the Western Pacific). We went from Hawai'i to Yokosuka Japan, down to the Philippines for a couple of weeks, then back up to Japan, where I transferred off. It was mostly boring, except when we had a close fly-by of a Soviet Bear-D recon aircraft. It was 1983.

The rest of my time was in either San Diego, working on <classified>, back to Hawai'i for a tour of shore duty, and then I was sentenced to Guam for three years on a shore station.

All in all, 13 years, 2 months and 2 days, but who was counting? ;-)

Hey, when you were a target for submarines did they shoot live torpedo's at you? That would terrify me!
Let's see what I can remember doing lots of times
Ferry to Seattle
Ferry to Galveston
Skiing and riding on Lake Waco
A couple lakes just outside Little Rock
Cotile Lake for riding and fishing
The Gulf of Mexico
Chesapeake Bay
Long island sound
off Coronado Island (learned to sail a little there)

Been by water to Scotland and England (different times and vessels), Norway, moored in Rotterdam, Hong Kong, Japan, Los Angeles/Orange County, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Rio de Janeiro, Argentina, Chile. Ive been on two of the Great lakes, (Erie and Michigan). I need bumps to the brain to remind me of other waterways and places. I've seen penguins, seals and sea lions, whales and polar bears from the ocean. Once I saw an ice berg that was reported to be bigger than 40 square kilometers. It was huge above the waterline, but I wished for a plane to take a shot from above to see how big it really was. Been in the North Atlantic during some horrendous storms, the Bahamas in glass like seas, Bermuda stormy and calm. Made the mistake, with friends, of trying to go out into The Gulf during a hurricane (not something I ever need to do again). I never realized how much the oceans and lakes have been part of my life until now.
Lots of time on the water? Or lots of trips on the water? Which do you think you spent more time on? Oh, BTW I love your avatar, is it a painting? Squib
Let's see what I can remember doing lots of times
Ferry to Seattle
Ferry to Galveston
Skiing and riding on Lake Waco
A couple lakes just outside Little Rock
Cotile Lake for riding and fishing
The Gulf of Mexico
Chesapeake Bay
Long island sound
off Coronado Island (learned to sail a little there)

Been by water to Scotland and England (different times and vessels), Norway, moored in Rotterdam, Hong Kong, Japan, Los Angeles/Orange County, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Rio de Janeiro, Argentina, Chile. Ive been on two of the Great lakes, (Erie and Michigan). I need bumps to the brain to remind me of other waterways and places. I've seen penguins, seals and sea lions, whales and polar bears from the ocean. Once I saw an ice berg that was reported to be bigger than 40 square kilometers. It was huge above the waterline, but I wished for a plane to take a shot from above to see how big it really was. Been in the North Atlantic during some horrendous storms, the Bahamas in glass like seas, Bermuda stormy and calm. Made the mistake, with friends, of trying to go out into The Gulf during a hurricane (not something I ever need to do again). I never realized how much the oceans and lakes have been part of my life until now.

Right on "Z"...you don't realize your life experiences until you ask your self and look back. I'm still remembering more on water experiences....the storms, the calm, the smell of the sea.
. Thanks for sharing
Lots of time on the water? Or lots of trips on the water? Which do you think you spent more time on? Oh, BTW I love your avatar, is it a painting? Squib

It is a painting, by Piet Mondrian. I have a lot of trips, but some of them lasted a bit of time so I do have quite a bit of time on the water too. Some trips were one or two day trips, some more than two months.
It is a painting, by Piet Mondrian. I have a lot of trips, but some of them lasted a bit of time so I do have quite a bit of time on the water too. Some trips were one or two day trips, some more than two months.

WELL, that IS a lot of time on the water! I am amazed at how all of you can remember so much! I couldn't remember how many times I have taken each ferry from Vancouver to 1.Victoria 2.Naniamo 3.Sunshine coast 4. Bowen And there are three or four different points of departure for each place I've named! I am compiling a list but it's taking a while to remember ! I couldn't , I don't think, remember half as much as you and Scifan57. BTW LOVE that painting!
I went on a cruise from Miami, Florida to Jamaica, Curaçao, Aruba, Haiti, Guadeloupe, St. Thomas, and Puerto Rico.

I've been on a tiny sailboat around the coast of Nassau, Bahamas.

I've been on a few ferries:
Manhattan to Staten Island
Manhattan to Ellis Island
Liberty Island (to see the Statue of Liberty) to Manhattan
Costa del Sol to Tangiers

I've always mostly traveled by air. It was fun to reminisce about times spent with family and friends on the water while making this list.
When Queen Elizabeth II toured British Columbia on the Royal yacht Britannia in 1983, the ship I was serving in at the time, HMCS Yukon, was the escort for Britannia.
I've been canoeing on the English Channel or La Manche (depending on your point of view), does that count?

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