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Where is my iPad 2?????


iPF Noob
Ok, this is getting kind of redundent......my iPad has been chillin on Lantau Island for five days now. Had I known this at 1:34 AM PST when I ordered my iPad, I would have driven the three hours to my closest store and waited in line. However, I thought that since I had ordered my iPad 1st gen and received it within two days, ordered a iPod two weeks ago and received it within 2 days and received my smart cover three days after I ordered it that my iPad 2 would be shipping from California. Wrong....had I known and been given the opportunity to upgrade to express shipping it might have been different. I do not remember even seeing where that was an option. It was probably there but due to staying up late to order and the evacuation issues that were being given to us in Washington/Oregon coastal areas, I must have missed it.

Long story short, my iPad has traveled 20 miles since leaving Shenzhen, CN on the 17th and reaching Lantau Island. I realize FedEx has Fri/Sat days off but why is this taking so long?

Sorry guys, but I am just frustrated at seeing it sit there for so long. I know space is tight but what about adding extra sections (aircraft) to get this backlog moving?

OK, I feel better now......my iPad will probably get here as scheduled on the 23rd but I just hate to see the down time.

I hear ya. Same situation here. I specifically looked for express shipping. Would have gladly paid extra to have it ship faster than Apple's "fast". Wasn't available for the iPad 2 orders. The entire experience has been disappointing and so frustrating.
Murphy's Law

Funny how things work out: I ordered early ( 4 a.m.) March 11 thinking I would get my 3G by March 18, the day we were driving to Chicago. Didn't happen, so I really didn't care about the delivery date since my target date was missed (BTW, visited two Apple stores in Chicago; both sold out and had no idea when the next deliveries would be in).

I checked my email just before leaving and of course, a shipping notice was there. Tracked it over the weekend using my netbook: My iPad left China March 17, arrived in Lantau Island HK March 18, then on to Alaska March 19, then Memphis, TN on March 20. Delivery was supposed to be March 22.

Guess what was delivered to my office before 10 am. this morning (March 21)?

While I've played with iPads at Apple stores, this is my first Apple product and it's been a delicious experience so far. Actually, more than delicious.

Arthur C. Clarke comes to mind: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

It's magic.

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