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Where will you buy your Ipad 2 and why...

freebirdforever said:
Well guess who is not getting an ipad 2 and is EXTREMELY pissed

Not the best buy employee himself?! Ha

I kid you not, THIS AFTERNOON, 1 HOUR before they went on sale, Best Buy enacted coporate policy that no employees may purchase an iPad 2 from them AT ALL for 90 days. Well, my Fiance will be buying my iPad 2 and using my discount information at another store then. So much for supporting my local branch >.>
I just got my iPad 2 a few hrs ago! Best Buy were kind enough to provide us chairs! I got at BB at 10 am, went to other stores and came back at 12:50 when 2 girls were sitting on a comfortable couch. They were waiting for the ipad 2 as well, so we then sat on the floor where the line would start. I was 3rd in line! The line grew super long!! Anyway,It was worth the wait! I got a Black 16GB one, no cover this month but will get one next month! Love the slimmer design and it's lightweight alright. The HD video recording is pretty darn good, having FaceTime is fun! I bought GarageBand and iMovie immediately! Love GarageBand!! IMovie is very cool also. I'm just loving my iPad 2! Browser is speedier and the iPad 2 does seem faster in general compared to my now sold iPad 1st gen
Travis AFB base exchange.

Got there at 4:52PM and there were about 45 people in line. They had 100 units in stock of wifi only, black and white and all 3 sizes. Walked out at 5:25 with a 32GB black model.

Total $589.00. (that's not a typo, 589.00) No tax. Me happy.:D
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What's really stupid is that they just announced this thing 9 days ago. I don't think anyone would of complained if they said "We will start shipping April 1st" or even May 1st. Then the shortage would of been much less. Why announce it and then put it up for sale 9 days later when you know the demand is going to far outweigh the supply?? It's really just dumb. You really piss off your customers. Very poor planning and strategy imo.
No issues picking up mine at my local Apple store today. It's clear now that the Apple stores get much bigger quantities than BB and Targets.

Moral of the story here is if you want your choice of model and want to be sure you get one then you better show up early to an Apple store... Otherwise it's a gamble.
Went to Bestbuy at 4:15, 15th on line, 4:30 gave out tickets, ran out of Black 16gb wi-fi at person # 10, left empty handed (I am not settling). Oh well. By the way, persuaded the guy behind me not to upgrade his 7 year old son's Ipad 1 when his son never complained about speed. He didn't know that the Ipad 2 would have the exact same screen and resolution?! He just walked off (By the way, his son wasn't with him).
1st post here and first time Apple owner...but getting to the point, I went to Best Buy where they only had 20 and already handed out the tickets, so that was a no-go. Went across the parking lot to Wally World and that one only received 5 and I was like 10th in line. I asked why people are waiting when they say they only have 5, and people were hoping that folks ahead of them credit cards would be declined...:D

The search continued and I went to the Target that is nearby and all they had were 64GB wifi models which was not what i wanted so I passed. It was no line there and it is about 5:30PM. At this point I'm throwing in the towel and about to head home and remembered it is a authorized Apple dealer named PeachMac not far away. Called them up and they had everything but 16GB models. So, I went there and at at the door I was asked what I wanted and the lady walked to the back and grabbed my 32GB White wifi ipad2, put my name on it and asked me to stand in line to check out. Easy as cake...

Long story short, be prepared to shop around...lol

Bytheway, i'm in south Metro Atlanta near Peachtree City, Ga.
Why announce it and then put it up for sale 9 days later when you know the demand is going to far outweigh the supply?? It's really just dumb. You really piss off your customers. Very poor planning and strategy imo.

Are you actually blaming Apple because their device is just too damn popular?

Latest estimates I've seen put Apple shipping 3 millions units of iPad 2 in its first 20 days, which is absolutely stupendous even compared to iPad 1.It also makes the March 25 ship date for rest of the world in a bit of jeopardy as well.
I went to my local Verizon store about 3:15 and was first in line. Verizon employees were clueless about what to do but finally gave me a piece of paper and told me to fill it out to hold what I wanted. They had 2 32g and 2 64g models which was fine with me since I wanted a 64. So it was worth waiting nearly 2 hours to get the one I wanted. I got the smart cover but think I may want to purchase some sort of case for extra protection. I love my new IPad!!!
i have no interest in the iPad 2. I have an interest in the iPHONE 5 and may give that a shot in September, when I hear it's coming out. This would be my first iPhone, I've been using a Droid for almost 5 months.

Sorry for going off topic. I'm just not too thrilled about 4g, tiered data etc. (Verizon). I think I will also be interested in iPad 3 which I'm sure a demo is probably laying around somewhere.
HST in Vancouver is everywhere so I can't get away with that. I'm planning on getting my iPad 2 at a London Drugs somewhere. The Apple Store in downtown can get a bit crazy.
yvrgal said:
HST in Vancouver is everywhere so I can't get away with that. I'm planning on getting my iPad 2 at a London Drugs somewhere. The Apple Store in downtown can get a bit crazy.

So its like every apple store then? :)
This sucks, I ordered mine @4am on the 11th and it hasent even shipped out yet, only my accessories have!!! When I first ordered it said 3-5 days now it says the 21st-28th I should get! Ahhhhhh

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