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Which is Best scanner for ipad


iPF Noob
I have a scanner on my printer but I tend to use my Ipad rather than the PC.
Occasionally I need to scan in a letter or a document and send it out.
What is the best way of scanning on an Ipad?
I have a scanner on my printer but I tend to use my Ipad rather than the PC.
Occasionally I need to scan in a letter or a document and send it out.
What is the best way of scanning on an Ipad?

I can't really tell you the best app to scan with (there are so MANY at the AppStore!), but I can tell you the one I use and can highly recommend. It's an app called Scanner Pro (link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/scanner-pro-by-readdle/id333710667?mt=8). Right now, it's on sale at $2.99 (USD), down from $6.99. It has the capability to link to Dropbox and Evernote, plus you can email a scan. I use it to scan my debit and credit card receipts, which I send to Dropbox for safekeeping.

While I was looking for the link to the above, I also saw this by the same developer. It's called "Scanner Mini" and it's free (link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/scanner-mini-free-document/id581365763?mt=8). Maybe this might work (also or in addition to)?

I'm sure others will be along to give their input. Happy researching. :)

Thanks Marilyn :) - that is very helpful because there are so many apps available and I have tried a couple and have been disappointed.
The scanner pro seems to be just what I am looking for.
I use Evernote and Dropbox quite a lot so the ability to scan to those would be great.
I will take a closer look at the pro and a look at the mini.
Whoa, just downloaded it. Just what I was looking for. Thanks Marilyn:)

Sent from Oz using Tapatalk
Yep. I give a big thumbs up to Scanner Pro too. Those Readdle people are always talking me out of my money. ;)

There's even a FAX option; though I've never tested it.
So, I was playing with this Scanner Pro app (looking for the aforementioned fax function cause I've never seen it before) and look what I can do (and did) to a photo I took:


Pretty cool way to make a pen and ink "drawing" from a photo. Sometimes, it's the little things, you know?


And yes, I am that easily entertained... :)
So, I was playing with this Scanner Pro app (looking for the aforementioned fax function cause I've never seen it before) and look what I can do (and did) to a photo I took:

Pretty cool way to make a pen and ink "drawing" from a photo. Sometimes, it's the little things, you know?


And yes, I am that easily entertained... :)

That is cool. Did you send this to an actual FAX machine, or was there another option?
So, I was playing with this Scanner Pro app (looking for the aforementioned fax function cause I've never seen it before) and look what I can do (and did) to a photo I took: Pretty cool way to make a pen and ink "drawing" from a photo. Sometimes, it's the little things, you know? Marilyn And yes, I am that easily entertained... :)

Downloaded it after reading your message. Thanks for letting us know. Works like a charm! Needs a steady hand though.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Hi Marilyn - thanks for the link & recommendation - at that price, just did a download - results on my 'old' iPad 2 w/ it's poor camera are not spectacular - so just a warning to those w/ older iPads that the results may not be as desirable as expected - but I'm going to add this to my wife's iPad Mini and look @ the results - HEY, maybe I need to get the next iPad? ;) Dave
That is cool. Did you send this to an actual FAX machine, or was there another option?

No, this was an option you could do to the photo after taking it (you can have the regular photo, this drawing or a black and white photo). I just never new this app could do this, and I've been using it for a long time. See:


I didn't try the fax option because I don't have a fax number to send it to. Though, I am tempted to get the number from work to try that function out. Would be neat to fax something, though I don't know if it'll cost.

No, this was an option you could do to the photo after taking it (you can have the regular photo, this drawing or a black and white photo). I just never new this app could do this, and I've been using it for a long time. See:

I didn't try the fax option because I don't have a fax number to send it to. Though, I am tempted to get the number from work to try that function out. Would be neat to fax something, though I don't know if it'll cost.


Thanks. I don't remember that feature, but it's been a while since I played with Scanner Pro so maybe the've added it recently. Or I just have a lousy memory, which come to think of it is probably the real answer. ;)

The lack of a FAX number to test and possible cost is why I haven't tried it as well. I noticed it and keep it in mind because my mother occasionally has to send a FAX. I found her a free option on the computer (for the very few times she needs it), but I like having a backup available.
I like Scanner Pro also. They recently added saving to Google Drive, which I use more now, and in addition to processing the scan as a full color picture, a grey scale image, or a B & W image (best for document copying, or Marilyn's art) you can sync your scans among iDevices using iCloud. A pretty versatile scanner app. The latest border detection algorithm seems to work very well for me. But I use it on an iPhone5 for it's camera -- they don't recommend iPad2 vintage cameras.
Hi again,
Got sidetracked by other things and have only just returned to the subject of installing a good scanner App.
My Ipad is Ipad 2.
Does Scanner Pro just scan a single page or can you scan multiple pages to turn it into a document ?
Hi again,
Got sidetracked by other things and have only just returned to the subject of installing a good scanner App.
My Ipad is Ipad 2.
Does Scanner Pro just scan a single page or can you scan multiple pages to turn it into a document ?

You can continue to make scans within the same Scanner Pro document. So, you can take scans of page after page and it will save those scans into a single file.

It's how I do it throughout a month with my credit card receipts. I just keep adding to the same PDF document (the app just makes a new page within that one PDF file). I've not found a page limit, though I imagine the file size can get pretty big after a while...

Scanner pro has a fax option. Tap the action icon, then tap other, then enter a number or select one from your contacts. The fax costs 99 cents to sent as an in apps purchase.

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