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Which is Best scanner for ipad

Scanner pro has a fax option. Tap the action icon, then tap other, then enter a number or select one from your contacts. The fax costs 99 cents to sent as an in apps purchase.

Thanks for that. I never got far enough into the process to find out if our how it charged. 99 cents isn't bad. Is that per FAX or per page.
I have got the App and have tried it on a letter which I received which I need to scan and send to a contact.
My Ipad is Ipad 2 - I am not sure whether it is the camera but the scanned copy is not clear enough to send out - I will persevere and see whether I can improve on the first attempt.
The letter was two pages and it was possible to save this in the one document
I have got the App and have tried it on a letter which I received which I need to scan and send to a contact.
My Ipad is Ipad 2 - I am not sure whether it is the camera but the scanned copy is not clear enough to send out - I will persevere and see whether I can improve on the first attempt.
The letter was two pages and it was possible to save this in the one document

The iPad 2's camera is much lower quality than the iPad 3 and later models. You're unlikely to get acceptable results trying to scan the entire page at once. If it's only the readability of the text that matters on the far end, and not the ability to print a copy, you might try turing the iPad to landscape mode and taking-making the scan a two pager, top and bottom of the letter.
I can't really tell you the best app to scan with (there are so MANY at the AppStore!), but I can tell you the one I use and can highly recommend. It's an app called Scanner Pro (link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/scanner-pro-by-readdle/id333710667?mt=8). Right now, it's on sale at $2.99 (USD), down from $6.99. It has the capability to link to Dropbox and Evernote, plus you can email a scan. I use it to scan my debit and credit card receipts, which I send to Dropbox for safekeeping.

While I was looking for the link to the above, I also saw this by the same developer. It's called "Scanner Mini" and it's free (link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/scanner-mini-free-document/id581365763?mt=8). Maybe this might work (also or in addition to)?

I'm sure others will be along to give their input. Happy researching. :)

Can you then save wha you scan to photos?
Scanner Pro scans your documents to PDFs, so that‘s not possible with the first app mentionend above.

Scanner Mini scans into PDFs and JPEGs. That means you can save them to Photos as well.
Scanner Pro scans your documents to PDFs, so that‘s not possible with the first app mentionend above.

Scanner Mini scans into PDFs and JPEGs. That means you can save them to Photos as well.

You can save scanned documents to Photos in Scanner Pro. Just select the document, tap the Share icon and choose Photos. By default, Scanner Pro saves documents in it's own folder, so it's a two step process. Scan and save, then share.

The document is saved in Photos as a jpeg, rather than a PDF.

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