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Which is Your favorite Dog Breed?


Great Pyrenees, he thinks he's a lap dog lol
Terriers of any kind. My current friend is Molly, the wire fox terrier.

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My doggie, Miles, Yorkshire terrier!!! I have always wanted one since forever!!!


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AdmiralAdama said:
Mongrel. Fiercely loyal and refuses to be subjected to the indignity of riding in a purse.


Lolol!!! My Yorkie is a standard size. I am not sure he will fit in my purse unless it is a large one!!

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gresh14 said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=9847"/>

Great Pyrenees, he thinks he's a lap dog lol

He's beautiful!!!

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mollysmom said:
tbaker---I just love looking at your baby, Miles. Yorkies are such wonderful dogs!

Awhhh. Thank you very much. I do too!!!

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My next dog will be a yorkie! I love my big boy but he has severly scratched up,our hard wood floors lol
A nice tiny little yorkie would be a joy to take for a walk!
Gresh---until they put their brakes on. When Yorkies don't want to go somewhere, they sit like little donkeys and dont move. Its hard to believe that something so small can be so immobile. It's take them for a drag instead of a walk...lol

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This is Jake, he's a jack Russell cross. He's two years old and such fun to have. He loves to play with other dogs in the park and the longer the walk the better.

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