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White ipad 2 or black?

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I ordered my iPad 2 Monday, and got the white one, just because I liked how different it looked. I don't think it'll be an issue watching movies, but even if it is, I can always slap a skin on there.
I can imagine how a white iPad won't show fingerprint smudges and probably won't show signs of wear-and-tear either, but perhaps the best reason to buy a white one is that it makes you a hipster :cool:

i.e. - Makes it look like more of an e-reader and less like a big shiny media hub. :ipad-movie:

Also, talking about media hubs.. How many TVs have you seen that have a border that's anything other than black? White border TVs are just not as common, because the contrast of the white on whatever you're watching is too great. The converse can be said with reading an online newspaper/webpage - white on white looks much cleaner. :cool: (hipster shades)
Taken from appadvice:

Black or White Ipad 2:

You might think this is just a question of aesthetics, but there is more to it. To put it simply, you should be getting the black one. Or to be more explicit, you shouldn’t get the white one.

Why so ? Well, the white iPad looks much nicer as an object, when it’s off. For sustained usage however, it has a lot of drawbacks. First of all, it will you give the impression that the screen is dimmer, and has less contrast. The content won’t stand out as much.

Think about it, as Gruber said on the Talk Show, there is a reason why TVs come generally in Black, and letterbox content with black frames. White will make your movies and games look worse.

A white Frame will also reflect more light when you’re outside, it will be more visibly dirty and worse of all, white Apple products have a long history of problems, from cracking, to light leaks and so on.

If you absolutely want to play the “difference†card, and think the look of the object is more important than anything else, then white might be for you. The Black iPad however is just as beautiful in your opinion, and a much better choice.
ottawaeh said:
Taken from appadvice:

First of all, it will you give the impression that the screen is dimmer, and has less contrast. The content wonÂ’t stand out as much.

LOL that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. When I went to the apple store, i compared black to white. Want to know just how much difference it made? Zero. The black is not better than the white and vice versa. Though the white does trump black in a few instances.
I was lucky enough to have the choice, considering the store was almost out of stock. I went for the white version. The black version looks more sleek, but I think the white version feels (obviously) brighter. I have just had too many black electronics.
I watch a lot of films/movies, but I still use the iPad for Internet and apps. Therefore, the White is better for contrast.
(even though the bezel colour makes no difference)

Sent from my iPad 2 32GB White using iPF
hazi1610 said:
Ok, I'm not sure which to go for. I like the white and with a pink smart cover it will be nice and pretty.

However, I am wondering, would the white be a bit distracting if say I was watching a movie or playing a game?

I can't see it being a problem with browsing but not sure about if I wanted to watch movies etc.

Would be interested to know if those who have the white one have wished they chose black instead because they find the white distracting?
Thanks in advance

Too be honest with you I had thought about getting the white one and almost did. I chose not to because a friend of mine has the white one and regrets getting it. The white one shows dirt quite easily. When we compared the two, we also noticed that the black one was a lot more glossier. She stated that the white one looks like a flat paint was used compared to the black. I didn't think it was that bad. I use the red leather smart cover with mine and the black just looks better to me but that's just my opinion lol.

Sent from my iPad 2 64G 3G using iPF
The White ipad makes no difference to movies or game contrast, how dumb saying it does, if that was the case, then all imacs would be black.

If anything white appears to look cleaner, got an ipod also, which are black and always looks a lot more grimy looking than the white ipad, seems the white ones don't show the finger marks as bad as the black ones.

Also white is the offical Apple colour and all the offical accessories are white, so matches the accessories.

Also get sick of everything black, also since black absorbs heat, the black ipad may accually get hotter, this seems to be overlooked in the argument.

I know on the New Zealand apple store, white seems the harder colour to get, so had to wait a little longer for the white version.
I have the White one and love it. I don't find it distracting at all and as I am female, White is ideal, nice and girlie if you know what I mean. Lol

From Alison, Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
icanlevel99 said:
The white one seems kinda yellowish when you ad a screen protector to it
I prefer the black one

I don't use a screen protector, I have a smart cover and use a micro fibre cloth to clean the screen after use. I also keep my nails short so as not to risk scratching while typing. Lol

From Alison, Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF

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