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White strip on the screen


iPF Noob
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
Hi all,
my ipad 3 16 GB just broke down recently. No shock to mention.
some details: when i swith it on, i get a white screen. I've discovered by chance that by sliding the magnet part of my cover along the ipad, the screen appears as normal... except there is still a large white vertical strip. (horizontal when in landscape mode)


The ipad runs ok apart from that. Apple told me that my ipad is not under warranty anymore and proposed me to replace/fix it for a fee (apparently a hardware issue, graphic card)
Do you know if this issue is well known on this series? any advice to get it replaced by Apple?
Thanks !
Hi Largow - welcome to the forum! :) Sorry about your problem w/ the iPad 3 - assume you're out of the 1-year warranty period (check Warranty HERE by entering the serial number of your device - found in 'Settings -> General -> About') - if not already done, I would suggest a 'Reset' (directions below, if needed) which likely will not be helpful for your particular problem, but will do no harm.

Another issue is whether the device was dropped and/or damaged, i.e. might be a simple repair is 'something' is loose vs. repairing/replacing the display/graphics electronics - iFixit has iPad guides for repairing the device - might give you some idea on potential cost and difficulty of the repair - I'd probably try to get an 'estimate' from either Apple or an authorized repair center - not sure how feasible or costly that may be? Good luck - Dave

When an app (or several) are misbehaving, I usually go through the following steps:

1. Force Close - open the multi-tasking bar (double tap the 'home buttom' or use multi-gesturing and swipe up); press & hold an app until all begin to 'jiggle'; find the offending app(s) and press the 'red circle w/ minus sign' - return to the home screen & try again.

2. Restart - press & hold the 'Sleep/Awake' (a.k.a. power) button until a red slider appears (may take a few seconds) - move the slider to turn off the iPad; then press & hold the same button until the Apple logo appears - wait for a restart.

3. Reset - press & hold the 'Power' and 'Home' buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears - this may take a longer time, so have patience; the iPad will 're-boot' - NOTE that none of these maneuvers will alter your apps, files, or settings.
It's definitely a hardware issue. We occasionally hear about screen failures like this on the forum, but not often enough to call it a well known issue. And there have been no reports of unusual numbers of iPad 3 screen failures in the news, and we all know how the news likes to jump on Apple's foibles.

Seeing that you are out of warranty, you might shop around for third party repair shops. They are often much cheaper than Apple. Be sure to do enough research to make sure they are Apple certified and reputable.
Thanks Giradman and Twerppoet for your replies. I've done the reset - which i wasn't aware of, thanks! - but as you said, didn't work out.
checked the warranty on the apple web site: expired ... from Apple, but not from the shop where I bought it (still have one year). I will send it back there and see what they can do. else as suggested, a third party repair shop might be a good last alternative. There is still hope. i will keep the forum posted.
Thanks Giradman and Twerppoet for your replies. I've done the reset - which i wasn't aware of, thanks! - but as you said, didn't work out.
checked the warranty on the apple web site: expired ... from Apple, but not from the shop where I bought it (still have one year). I will send it back there and see what they can do. else as suggested, a third party repair shop might be a good last alternative. There is still hope. i will keep the forum posted.

Well, always appeared to be a 'hardware' issue - sorry! Hope that your 'repair shop' alternative is successful - good luck & let us know - Dave :)

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