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Who doesn't own an iPhone . . .

i had the first iPhone for two years. I momentarily switched to Verizon with a regular non-smart phone. after getting the iPad, i feel that i don't need an iPhone. the screen actually just feels way too small now.
No iPhone here. My aging BB Storm (original) is still hanging in there. Will
wait and see if iPhone comes to Verizon and if not it will be upgrade to a
Droid. I simply refuse to go to AT&T. They have the worst reception of any
carrier in my area.
Droid Incredible here. I wouldn't mind an iPhone but am happy with Android and will NOT go to AT&T. Coverage is just too crappy for the areas I'm around. If the iPhone ever came to Verizon, I would probably pick that one up for my wife and keep the Android for myself.
It seems that for quite a few people the carrier is just, if not more, important than the phone itself. Interesting.
It seems that for quite a few people the carrier is just, if not more, important than the phone itself. Interesting.

I would say, in all honesty, that the carrier is roughly 80% of the reason for not having the phone. And I'm probably being VERY conservative with that number. If the iPhone went to Verizon, I think you would see AT&T have a very valid reason to be concerned. I know a bunch of existing AT&T iPhone users that would switch to Verizon immediately.
I guess there's little point in having a full size iPad plus a little iPad that does the same stuff, but on a smaller screen and has a poorly functioning phone included.

You only need one device to take advantage of the Apple apps - and a bigger screen generally beats a smaller screen in the app world. Add an Android phone and you've a better phone and access to the Android market too. Double bubble.

I guess the iPad could potentially damage the iPhone's future sales if the market develops in that way because if you have an iPad there's no reason to have an iPhone. I noticed that Android overtook iOS this spring - going from 3% of the smartphone market last year to 17% this year (Apple went backwards to 13%).

When the Android tablets start to appear could we see a reversal of the rapid growth of the smartphone?

And if smartphone sales start to stall will we see large discounts to spur sales? Which might lead to rapid reductions in tablet prices as phone OS based tablets and smartphones get into a war for sales.

Whatever happens it's going to be interesting.
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If I didn't have to go with AT&T to get an iPhone I would have one but until they are available through a different carrier I will stick with blackberry
No iPhone. I have no interest in it since the iPad does more. I have a cheap cell that I barely use more than ten minutes a month.

If it weren't for the iPad I might consider the iPhone4...
I guess there's little point in having a full size iPad plus a little iPad that does the same stuff, but on a smaller screen and has a poorly functioning phone included.

You only need one device to take advantage of the Apple apps - and a bigger screen generally beats a smaller screen in the app world. Add an Android phone and you've a better phone and access to the Android market too. Double bubble.

I guess the iPad could potentially damage the iPhone's future sales if the market develops in that way because if you have an iPad there's no reason to have an iPhone. I noticed that Android overtook iOS this spring - going from 3% of the smartphone market last year to 17% this year (Apple went backwards to 13%).

When the Android tablets start to appear could we see a reversal of the rapid growth of the smartphone?

And if smartphone sales start to stall will we see large discounts to spur sales? Which might lead to rapid reductions in tablet prices as phone OS based tablets and smartphones get into a war for sales.

Whatever happens it's going to be interesting.

There might be some decrease in smartphone usage, but a lot of people dont want to replace an iPhone with an iPad. It works for me, but most people I know that have iPads dont carry them everywhere. For me it was a matter of only paying for 1 data service contract.
I don't see the benefit to anyone (other than AT&T) for the exclusive deal in the US. While the iPhone was popular in the UK while it was only available on one network, ownership seemed to explode once people could choose which network they wanted.

It seems crazy to me that apple are ignoring 2 or 3 times more sales in the US, at least, just because they want to hang onto an exclusive deal with, what seems to be, the most hated carrier in the US!

(3GS owner.. And the only thing it's going to get swapped for is a iPhone4..)
I've had an iPhone for some time now and just upgraded to the iPhone 4. I strongly recommend you go for the iPhone.
I have always wanted an iPhone, but that two year contract doesn't work for me ~ I can't be owned.:D

Right now I have Metro Pcs, no contracts unlimited everything, $60 a month. Love it. I just bought the BB Curve and will switch to Boost mobile, same sweet deal!
My first smart phone was a Nokia 6600 back in 2003, I have only used smart phones since, I do not have an iphone and frankly would never bother to get one, this is personal choice and opinion dont want any flames here, I had an ipod touch when they first came out used it alot good little gadget, for me the iphone is the same thing except it does calls and sms etc, the OS is not much different on the iphone ipad or itouch, so for me it not "inavative" or "magical" in any way, I have been a Nokia fan for a long time and still am, but lately they have fallen off the track with smart phones so I got myself a Nexus one, love it its a great device, I have an ipad because basicaly I like the device or idea use it allot and there is nothing out there currently like it, but as soon as there is an Android or Nokia tablet I will get one and pass this to someone else, like I said this is my opinion only. for me these are gadgets nothing more.

my $0.02 cents. (Canadian) ehh

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