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Who doesn't own an iPhone . . .

I have a Palm Pre and don't use it for anything except phone calls (obviously) and email (reading mostly). Once you have the iPad the 3.5" screen just doesn't cut it so going to an iPhone would be pointless.
My signature answers the question, but I must say that in fact had there been a viable Android tablet I wouldn't own an iPad. I waited to see if viable alternatives would show up this summer before buying the iPad.

Apple imposes too many constraints, no Flash? No built in Pdf reader? Sheesh.

Still the iPad is a tolerable alternative until better competition arrives.
Sent on my EVO 4G with Tapatalk
Android powered phones are for phone calls, Ipads are for everything else. Couldn't wait for my 2 yrs. to end. Samsung Intercept-Sprint.
I got my Iphone and love it. I don't regret getting it at all. Apple is a smart company, without the Ipad I would have never considered a Iphone.

They really are good at that. My iPod Touch got me interested in the iPad. Apple, the drug dealers of the electronics world. ROFL
I have At&T Tilt2 win mo. 6.5.1. I also have android froyo 2.2 on it also . I have dual boot. I tether to my ipad easily with xda wifi tethering app that i start up in windows. I havent tried the android tethering apps i have yet. I really hated apple until i got this ipad. The bad reviews on it are so exagerated. I thght flash woukd be a problem but i dont even go to those sites anymore. Im in love with this ipad. I have soo many usefuk apps needed at some time or another. Only reason im comsidering an iphone4 is because of how easynit is to hack apple devices, jailbrake,mand the apps that are made for iphone n ipad sync ofmsome sort whether cam or whatever. Plus i have to be able to tether wirelessly. My tethering is my only source of internet, period. Right b4 i got this ipad, i bought an archos 5 IT wit android. I returned it because i couldnt get it to tether with my phone. It only accepted infrastruture mode. My tether uses wifi ad hoc connection. So i might get an iphone4 or dell streak. It gotta have a cam. Im liking the streak more though.

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