Pollock said:
My latest update from FedEx says my iPad 3 is leaving Tennessee which is usually only 2 days from my home in Louisiana. Will FedEx hold it until Friday or will I get it sooner?
We will both get them on Friday via Nashville. The only way we might find FedEx at the doorbell sooner than Fri . Is if they disregard the deal they have with Apple. If your an hour or a day from Nashville even if you live in Nashville, you will be receiving the device on the 16th. I thought for sure I would get it sooner but from the looks of things they are warehoused in a holding pattern and waiting to be relayed to us on Friday.
There will be a few mistakes in the lot who will get it sooner but I would be a total error.
It's really amazing how well Apple handles and controls their business. When the asus prime was coming out I pre ordered from best buy and amazon.
Everyone on their forum was going crazy... It was kaos with its fingers crossed . amazon cancelled out early and even best buy wasn't sure about anything. As much as I wanted one to experience my first android catastrophe I was overwhelmed with a feeling of anxiety. Over the company. Asus ,shmasus , the darn things were so undersold that throwing dice seemed more sure. Luckily I backed out to avoid the wifi / gps malfunctions.
It was going to do away with the iPad. Lol! Shows you just how good you should feel dealing with Apple. The total opposite side of the coin.
They also copied the air book to the T.
It's just so funny to think of the engraving option being involved in the asus mayhem. Could ya imagine. Apple is truly the best at what they do.