I've read an article a few weeks ago about the fragmentation of the android market. Just can't find the link to it but here's an overview:
The major problem with Android is that each OEM is customizing the used android version for it's need. Thus, comparing Samsung with HTC for example is quite difficult because they do not use the same blend of Android. It was said that eventually, Android biggest competitor will be itself and not Apple. Samsung seems to take the lead for now, but that can change in less than a year...
Each manufacturer is providing his own experience, his own market in some cases, his own look and feel, etc... So basically, it's Android, but not the same... It's like Linux distributions where you cannot really compare Ubuntu, Fedora and Slackware. They are all Linux based, but each has his own flavor. In a year or two, people will get a Samsung and not Android device. It has already started with tablets where reviewers are comparing by manufacturers and not by OS type.
Currently, everybody is calculating market share based on iOS vs Android. But it would be more accurate to calculate Apple vs Samsung vs HP vs NameYourDevice...
Apple is selling user experience and the Android market is selling hardware features. Eventually, Android market will understand that people are more attracted by experience than CPU power, ram, and USB port. Have a look at YouTube where you can find ads about each device. Android is still selling geek talk. But Samsung has started shifting to the Apple's marketing ways.
My mom really does not understand technical stuff, but she does understand watching a movie on the go, doing videoconferencing with her grand child, playing words game, how easy it is to use, great look, and the price... Currently, android products are on par with Apple for prices beside one or two exceptions. Non-geeks are tired of having to learn how to configure, protect, manage their computers. They just want stuff to work, thats it!
I am a professional computer consultant, and younger I was thrilled by the mighty power of Linux where you can customize about anything... Then I got older, and started considering my time spent at managing a computer... With kids, family, work, i just want stuff to work without having to go the extra mile. My time is worth more than my geek pride

. Still using Ubuntu, because they made it easy... But since I discovered the iPhone, then the iPad, I am considering getting a Mac for my next computer because with the iOS devices, the machine is doing the extra mile for me...
Android devices will have to do that extra mile to get me. They are great devices, but Apple has spoiled me. And surely if I jump the ship, it won't be because of Android, but because the manufacturer/OEM will have created a device so cool, so easy that it's gonna be attractive, android based or not...
My 2 cents!
VicoPad addict!