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Why do YOU Hate iTunes?

From the other thread in which I explode on iTunes.

I agree that iTunes is by far the worst part of being an iGadget owner.
It really is a bloated hot steaming bowl of frothing dog crap - a huge sucking sin that I have to connect my perfectly wonderful glass and metal device like an umbilical cord to that confused, putrid, stinking cesspool of slow bloat software fail.

But that is just me being nice.

Have you read the human interface guidelines for app developers? It is strict, clear, smart and has a reason.

Whoever wrote the user interface guidelines to iTunes should be executed.

Why does one need to go to so many different places to manage music on a stinking iPod? What purpose does Ping serve in the whole mess? How about one screen that shows my videos and what I want to do with them instead of drilling down through so deep to do anything in multiple side and sometimes not-side menus. Why not make file transfer to your device's apps make sense? What about organizing thing like pictures?

It is a typical example of bloatware that has lost it's clarity and purpose since the project's start.

Hmmmm.... maybe I actually don't like iTunes as much as I thought I did!

Just because we're used to it doesn't make it good. :(
I couldn't agree more!

iTunes really needs to go on a diet. And if you are going to LOOK like a browser, ACT like one. You can't ever freakin' copy text from it, let alone have multiple "pages" open. It's a like a brain-dead one-page-only browser from 1996.
Not amused about iTunes either :)

I'd love to be able to sort apps by date, category, alphabet, price, etc.
It's a pain in the (insert appropriate word here).
And it's painfully slow on my home computer.
The problem is that iTunes started as revolutionary mechanism and changed our world. As it became more and more things, it lost its simplicity. For those of us who remember when they first came out with the mini-van, it took the public by storm. As more and more manufacturers tried to compete, they kep adding size and features to the original concept. It is still a functional mode of transportation, but that basic simplicity is gone.
It's little things that peeve me off about it really - most of which I don't think are really about iTunes exactly, but how it applies metadata to media; how it will still duplicate tracks, the clumsy way it deals with compilation albums, the way you can end up with numerous "artists" all of which are obviously the same to you, but no obvious reason why iTunes thinks they're different.. Etc...

I DO think there are plenty of little ways to improve it, and it did take me a while to 'convert' after using WMP for so many years; but I think its the best, all round, solution at the moment. It is about bloody time they introduced wireless synching though.
With the release of 10.1 final, I have to add that they kicked out the "share printer" section from the beta. I really wish I could still use the beta.
I actually really like iTunes.

Contact apple they will let you redownload them.
I like iTunes too. Even though it's so big and slow. If they shrunk it down somewhat or tailored it to user needs a little more...I really don't need garbage like Ping. Apple could really learn to use modules like those in Office.

I think she tried that....and on my other site oodles of people told me that they will not do that as they all lost them too...

Oh Shitums.
I have a Western Digital MyBookWorld ( Network Attached Storage ) that's plugged in my router. My whole library of music, videos, pictures, books and music is installed on it and available to everyone of my computing devices. It shows up in my iTunes except on the iPad, for that I use FileBrowser.

Every computer that has access to the NAS has an automatic backup manager installed that works in the background to send back any new data and store it.
Great stuff! If only my Apple Tv could see it...
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