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Why does itunes suck so bad.

I agree, Its not in any way ideal... & ping is a joke! But as far as the OP's complaints they where more on the lines of support for more content & other devices not really the innerworkings of iTunes.

I agree with this. I almost wrote the same thing. Most of the OP's complaints are more with Apple's restrictions on the device than Itunes itself. But, any chance to get a gut shot in on Itunes is hard to pass up :D
I agree that iTunes is by far the worst part of being an iGadget owner.
It really is a bloated hot steaming bowl of frothing dog crap - a huge sucking sin that I have to connect my perfectly wonderful glass and metal device like an umbilical cord to that confused, putrid, stinking cesspool of slow bloat software fail.

But that is just me being nice.

So you find iTunes somewhat inadequate :)?

I too pride myself on having as little to do with it as possible.

The very first time you power up your iPad it starts bleating about iTunes. I resisted using iTunes for the first 2 months of iPad ownership, until I was forced to use it to upgrade to iOS 4.2. It took hours and crashed on the first attempt.

We do need to use it to backup the iPad of course. As far as I am concerned it's should be called iBackup.

Actually, even the name iTunes is past it's use by date, as is the entire package.
Why, when I click to check for updates I apps, and enter my password, do I get cryptic messages about it being no longer up-to-date. And why does the damn File menu have an even more confused jumble of crap than Advanced?
Actually, even the name iTunes is past it's use by date, as is the entire package.

It should be call iAteYourComputer. I swear my quad core i5 can run Crysis better than it can run Itunes.

Yeah, right? How about watching all of your cores max out just because you did something minimal to an iTunes window. "I'm going to drag my iTunes window from one monitor to the other, better save my work first"
This must be a new weekly topic.

Bringing the media into a single type assists in controlling the size and drivers necessary on mobile devices to play such media. Thus, this decreases the amount of memory that must be dedicated on the iPad, iPod, iPhone and other devices to carry multiple codecs and increase the opportunity for media replay failure.

Space is at a premium on portable items and you have to do any and everything you can to use the space efficiently. This is one of the trade offs. Sorry you have so many problems with iTunes. I've used it for years, since my first iPod actually, and never looked back. Several other media players get close but I personally feel iTunes is the best and most polished overall package.

dude I'm pretty informed and i have to call bs on this. You are clearly an apple fanboy and you honestly believe that apple can't do it in a heartbeat if they wanted too. Why can an android tablet do it what's the trade off there. Itunes doesn't suck if you use it just how apple likes, the problem is not everybody can be a good little consumer. I don't have any problems with itunes as I don't use it and never will. I do sync the ipad everyonce in a while to do a backup but I just find other ways to do what apple won't let me.

Anyway I'm not trying to attack apple it is what is, it's been this way always with them. It just amazes me that it doesn't upset more people. To say itunes is the best I guess it is if you own all apple products.

Before you continue acting like an arrogant ass towards me, might want to find out some more information. I use most every platform there is. I have the iPod, iPad and MacBook Pro. The MacBook runs Mac and Windows 7. My desktop is straight Windows 7. My phone is a rooted Android Incredible.

Anything else you would like to know about me and my being an Apple fanboi before you put your foot any further in your mouth?
Don't worry about fanboy comments. They seem to get thrown around the internet if you say anything positive about Apple in general.

On topic....

I hate iTunes software with a passion, it's ridiculously slow, even on my fast computer with SSD hard drives. I like the concept of iTunes, one software suite that you can buy your music from and synch that music to multiple devices. Oh and the Genius feature on there is awesome, I rarely make playlists anymore, Genius does it for me. But overall the software has been implemented terribly, it should not bog down a modern computer. I feel sorry for the average iPad user who probably has a 2-4 year old computer that wasn't even that great when they bought it brand new, it's gotta be terribly slow.
This must be a new weekly topic.

Bringing the media into a single type assists in controlling the size and drivers necessary on mobile devices to play such media. Thus, this decreases the amount of memory that must be dedicated on the iPad, iPod, iPhone and other devices to carry multiple codecs and increase the opportunity for media replay failure.

This and iTunes being the best in your opinion. Like you sound like jobs when he is feeding people crap. Just ask yourself this when you see android doing these things with pretty much same specs what's different. In a few years will these things still hold up.

I work in IT and I say this because I get questions about itunes all the time about dup songs lost music itunes screwing up music etc. I understand why apple made it that why but it doesn't make it right and definitely not the best. It's the best if you own apple and buy all your music from apple. Why is itunes the only app converting all my stuff to their formats, it's like itunes must rule everything. Anyway I could go on but there is no point. In time WebOs, android, hey even rim will show people that it can be done. I mean people always think apple is going to take over and there will be no competition but it never happens.
Don't worry about fanboy comments. They seem to get thrown around the internet if you say anything positive about Apple in general.

On topic....

I hate iTunes software with a passion, it's ridiculously slow, even on my fast computer with SSD hard drives. I like the concept of iTunes, one software suite that you can buy your music from and synch that music to multiple devices. Oh and the Genius feature on there is awesome, I rarely make playlists anymore, Genius does it for me. But overall the software has been implemented terribly, it should not bog down a modern computer. I feel sorry for the average iPad user who probably has a 2-4 year old computer that wasn't even that great when they bought it brand new, it's gotta be terribly slow.

he stated that he thinks itunes was the best, that should be against the law in my book. That's how far it is from the truth.
This and iTunes being the best in your opinion. Like you sound like jobs when he is feeding people crap. Just ask yourself this when you see android doing these things with pretty much same specs what's different. In a few years will these things still hold up.
Amazing how many people have few problems with iTunes listening to you here. I have never had any problems, and will buy both through iTunes and Amazon. If the price is the same, I get the iTunes versions simply because AAC is a better format. However, blaming iTunes or Apple for pricing is BS. Pricing is determined by the artists. I cannot buy InaGaddaVida because they will not allow it to be sold outside an album.

The only problem I see with iTunes is that it has outgrown itself and they have not produced a better format yet. No one else has produced that big of a database, so no one else has needed to deal with the problem. And everyone has a different idea on how they want it to work. I can imagine that Apple is trying to find a good way to improve it, but it will not be completely useful. There are too many apps, songs, movies, and other things for anyone to find all of what they want. If they have something specific, they can usually track it down. But if you only have a vague idea, or do not fully know what they want, good luck.

As for you being in IT, it makes me glad that I do not live in Florida. If you are typical of the ignorance there.....
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Don't worry about fanboy comments. They seem to get thrown around the internet if you say anything positive about Apple in general.

On topic....

I hate iTunes software with a passion, it's ridiculously slow, even on my fast computer with SSD hard drives. I like the concept of iTunes, one software suite that you can buy your music from and synch that music to multiple devices. Oh and the Genius feature on there is awesome, I rarely make playlists anymore, Genius does it for me. But overall the software has been implemented terribly, it should not bog down a modern computer. I feel sorry for the average iPad user who probably has a 2-4 year old computer that wasn't even that great when they bought it brand new, it's gotta be terribly slow.

he stated that he thinks itunes was the best, that should be against the law in my book. That's how far it is from the truth.

The trolling is strong with you, isn't it?
Amazing how many people have few problms with iTunes listening here. I have never had any problems, and will buy both through iTunes and Amazon. If the price is the same, I get the iTunes versions simply because AAC is a better format. However, blaming iTunes or Apple for pricing is BS. Pricing is determined by the artists. I cannot buy InaGaddaVida because they will not allow it to be sold outside an album.

The only problem I see with iTunes is that it has outgrown itself and they have not produced a better format yet. No one else has produced that big of a database, so no one else has needed to deal with the problem. And everyone has a different idea on how they want it to work. I can imagine that Apple is trying to find a good way to improve it, but it will not be completely useful. There are too many apps, songs, movies, and other things for anyone to find all of what they want. If they have something specific, they can usually track it down. But if you only have a vague idea, or do not fully know what they want, good luck.

Careful, you're going to be labeled a fanboy by the trollish one like me.

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