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Why isn't it possible to drive two apps at the same time?


iPF Novice
Mar 12, 2010
Reaction score
For example, why isnt it possible to surf the web and listen to music at the bakground on another app or on another site like you would be able to on a PC? When switching from one app to another, the first one effectively gets put on hold.

Alo, I find it annoying a major site like the BBC doesn't make all it's videos compatible on the iPad. It has made many videos available but not some others. I regularly view BBC's news portal, but quite often some videos aren't able to be viewed on the iPad.
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I have no problem keeping music going, while surfing the web, or running other apps. You could also use one of the radio apps, like "tune in radio", that runs in the background.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Apple intentionally restricts multitasking on the iPad in order to provide a smooth user experience within the bounds of the hardware they provide. Thus, you cannot have both a browser and email windows on the screen at the same time. However, some forms of multi-tasking are available, most obviously the ability to play audio while engaged in other activities. This feature, however, is under the control of the application developer. I'm not aware of any audio app that "gets put on hold" when another app is invoked (except, obviously, another app that provides audio) but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

I suspect in this case, however, that the OP is referring to playin audio in the browser and shifting from one tab to another. If that's the case, the reason the app "gets put on hold" is that opening another tab on the browser inactivates the first tab.
I found this app which has a split screen, it will allow for horizontal or vertical split.

It is limited as far as options go though

It was not very long ago that desktops could not do more than one fuction at a time. Multitasking takes power, both processing power and battery power. Music is not very demanding, so it can be run in the background.
You could also use one of the radio apps, like "tune in radio", that runs in the background.
Yes.. Tunein Radio plays just fine when in the background. It receives just about every radio station that broadcasts on the net.. The Music app included with the iPad also plays in the background...

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