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Wi-fi connect problem

I did reset the network settings on the iPad prior to attempting to re-connect, and just after restarting the router. The router was off and unplugged from the cable for more than several minutes.

I'm amazed that an $800 device can have such crappy wi-fi. Don't think I want to deal with Tech Support, I'm 99% certain they're going to ask me to do what I've already done. I've seen that others have solved the problem by replacing their router. To me that's a ridiculous resolution after spending this much money on a device.

I'm not sure, but you may be missing my point. If it does not work with any router (which is the impression I'm getting), then this is not just the typical iPad router pickyness. It may be really broken. Check it out with Apple to be sure, so you can get a replacement, or at least end the aggravation of not knowing.
Went back to BB and had it replaced. After it didn't work at McD's free wi-fi, that was all I could tolerate LOL.

The service rep connected the unit to iTunes and connected to their wi-fi network and all seemed well.

Got home and have the exact same problem - regardless of resetting the network settings on the iPad. Guess I'll take it up to the Apple store tomorrow, but this is exactly opposite of the experience I was expecting - especially given my very positive experience with an iPod Touch.

As has been said elsewhere, it's one thing to futz around with a router in your home - if wi-fi connectivity is this bad with public hotspots there's not much to be done. I haven't tried the 3G, but I'm not going to pay for 3G service to use it in my own house or free public hotspots.

The service rep connected the unit to iTunes and connected to their wi-fi network and all seemed well.
Wow. So it works with one wifi hotspot, but not with 2-3 others?

That sounds like a signal strength issue or a firmware problem in the iPad. I agree with the other poster; take it to Apple and have them check it. They'll probably just swap it out for you. Hopefully they can actually tell you what was wrong with it so you can report it here.

My wife and I have had excellent support from Apple and I hope you have the same experience!
The service rep connected the unit to iTunes and connected to their wi-fi network and all seemed well.
Wow. So it works with one wifi hotspot, but not with 2-3 others?

No; this was with the new unit which I have only tried at home so far (and didn't work). I have not yet tried this one outside my house yet. If I can get it to work elsewhere then I guess it would be a router issue. Which would be annoying indeed when 2 iPod Touches can connect - one being a generation older.

That sounds like a signal strength issue or a firmware problem in the iPad. I agree with the other poster; take it to Apple and have them check it. They'll probably just swap it out for you. Hopefully they can actually tell you what was wrong with it so you can report it here.

My wife and I have had excellent support from Apple and I hope you have the same experience!

I know it's not a signal strength issue at home based on connecting 4 other devices with no problem. Hope you're right about Apple; I'll probably be visiting the Apple store today.

Go into your Settings > General > Reset, and then Reset Network Settings. That may help.

Tried that, after powering down the router and restarting everything and still cannot get internet connection.

Here are the network settings on the iPad:

IP Address 169.254.407.49
Subnet Mask

Nothing in the other fields.

As before, my Touch connects right away. Should I just exchange it? I'm at my wit's end with this.

Looks to me like your router has a dhcp issue. On a device that can connect to your wifi, check the ip address and dns gateway address. For your ipad to connect to the internet it should have the same dns and a similar ip address.
Yes, the iPad is set for DHCP.

I'll check try cycling the router when I get home, but this doesn't explain why I couldn't connect to an unsecured wi-fi. The Touch, which I had with me as well, had no issues.

I don't have a separate modem & router - it's just one device though that shouldn't make a difference.


It is your router that needs to also be set as ad dhcp server in order to assign an ip address to your ipad. Is your router set as a dhcp server?
Mark29 said:
It's not my router, otherwise neither my nor my wife's iPod Touch could connect, nor my laptop.


That's what I thought when my iPhone stopped connecting. Everything else continued to connect. In my case, it was indeed the router.
On the way to the Apple store last night I stopped at Panera Bread, where it could connect to their wi-fi. I could also connect at the Apple store. They really couldn't suggest much else other than removing the security setting on the router just to see if that would make it work. Unfortunately I seem to have misplaced the password for the router (very unlike me), so may have to do a hard reset on it.

I know it's being suggested that this is a router problem, but as far as I'm concerned when I have a 4th gen and 3rd gen iPod Touch that connect w/o incident there's nothing wrong with the router. It's annoying to me that it doesn't "just work". Apple changed something with the wi-fi in the iPad that has made it much more finnicky.

Yes, the iPad is set for DHCP.

I'll check try cycling the router when I get home, but this doesn't explain why I couldn't connect to an unsecured wi-fi. The Touch, which I had with me as well, had no issues.

I don't have a separate modem & router - it's just one device though that shouldn't make a difference.


It is your router that needs to also be set as ad dhcp server in order to assign an ip address to your ipad. Is your router set as a dhcp server?

My iPod Touch is set for DHCP, so I'm sure if the router wasn't set as a DHCP server this wouldn't work.

My iPod Touch is set for DHCP, so I'm sure if the router wasn't set as a DHCP server this wouldn't work.

You're right, of course. But you could still answer his question in the affirmative by checking the router settings. :)

Since you get the self-assigned 169.254 address, either the iPad isn't talking to the router or the router isn't answering. You say you haven't configured any MAC address filtering (actually you don't say that, you simply said you didn't do that for the iPod which is not the same thing).

How about you take a screen capture of the following pages from your router setup? The DHCP Server page, the page that shows which devices are currently clients (do this after connecting with your iPod), and the page that shows the signal strength of the wifi. After looking at those pages there may be hints of others to look at as well.

Hopefully we'll figure this out...
Go into your Settings > General > Reset, and then Reset Network Settings. That may help.

Tried that, after powering down the router and restarting everything and still cannot get internet connection.

Here are the network settings on the iPad:

IP Address 169.254.407.49
Subnet Mask

Nothing in the other fields.

As before, my Touch connects right away. Should I just exchange it? I'm at my wit's end with this.

Looks to me like your router has a dhcp issue. On a device that can connect to your wifi, check the ip address and dns gateway address. For your ipad to connect to the internet it should have the same dns and a similar ip address.

I ended up exchanging the first one when it wouldn't connect to public wi-fi either. The 2nd one worked on public wi-fi but still not at home; I've posted my solution in a new thread, but in summary I solved by changing the security on my router to WPA2 (it had been WEP).

Tried that, after powering down the router and restarting everything and still cannot get internet connection.

Here are the network settings on the iPad:

IP Address 169.254.407.49
Subnet Mask

Nothing in the other fields.

As before, my Touch connects right away. Should I just exchange it? I'm at my wit's end with this.

Looks to me like your router has a dhcp issue. On a device that can connect to your wifi, check the ip address and dns gateway address. For your ipad to connect to the internet it should have the same dns and a similar ip address.

I ended up exchanging the first one when it wouldn't connect to public wi-fi either. The 2nd one worked on public wi-fi but still not at home; I've posted my solution in a new thread, but in summary I solved by changing the security on my router to WPA2 (it had been WEP).


I am happy to hear you solved the problem. Now you can enjoy your ipad :)


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