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Wifi signal booster help


iPF Noob
Hi folks,

I saw this on the Daily Steal today and would like to ask the folks here if this would work on the iPad. It is a wifi booster.

New Alfa AWUS036H 1000mW 1W 802.11b/g High Gain USB Wireless Long-Rang WiFi Network Adapter with 5dBi Antenna - Strongest on the Market

Low Price!

Thanks for your help.
I assume your problem is that you have a router that is some distance from where you are. Unfortunately one can not plug in a USB adapter wifi booster into the iPad.
In my experience, the wifi boosters do not work enough to justify the cost. If it possible move up to an ultra N router.
Signal booster

I need to boost the 3G signal on the ipad2. Anybody know if there is something out there that will work
Thanks I will look up the article. I have Verizon. I am trying to get the signal while traveling and passing through areas of very little coverage. I need some thing to help when the signal is very low or almost non-existant
Cmeaux said:
Thanks I will look up the article. I have Verizon. I am trying to get the signal while traveling and passing through areas of very little coverage. I need some thing to help when the signal is very low or almost non-existant

Not sure these devices will work for travel. I think they require an outlet for power. Sorry to say, but I doubt there is anything to do what you want. That is the curse of non-seamless coverage.
Not sure these devices will work for travel. I think they require an outlet for power. Sorry to say, but I doubt there is anything to do what you want. That is the curse of non-seamless coverage.

I have the Alfa unit mentioned. It has a standard USB plug which needs to connect to your ipad/laptop/whatever.

I have used mine with my Windows desktop and a Windows netbook. It works very well, think I paid under $20 for it.

Question, I know I can buy the Apple camera kit to give me a USB connection to my ipad2 but what about an off-brand?
Anyone had good luck with one of these?


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