Not completely true buddy. I have imovies on my ipad1

P it's runs perfectly fine with no slow down. Only thing is I can't take videos with my iPad and load them in since ipad1 has no cam. BUT I can still load my vids from my digital cam or phone and edit them in there. So for the record, imovies works perfect on ipad1. U just can't get it from the app store as it'll give u that error. There are ways and workarounds for this. I didn't have to hack anything to get it working. I just knew where to look. Samething with FaceTime. It can run on ipad1 also. Only thing is the other person can't see u but u can still see and chat with them. Better thn not working at Garage band works fine also, as I have it. There's workarounds for everything, mostly, people. There hasn't been no real deal apps released yet to showcase and enable the true power of the ipad2 extra CPU increase and graphics capabilities. Photo booth may be the only one so far. Ipad2 updates of certain games like Infinity Blade, Asphalt6, and Dead Space still look nearly identical to ipad1 counterpart. As time goes on, more apps will take "Real" advantage of ipad2 stuff and those apps will most thn likely be started from scratch. Not rehash of ipad1 titles just because it has a minute amount of finer detail.
Not entirely true. How deep have you created projects in iMovie? It's not a matter of if it will run, but a matter of how well itnruns with complex projects.
GarageBand is a perfect example. I ran it on my iPad 1 and it was fine until I actually created a song with 8 tracks full of smart instruments. The app became almost unusable even after closing down all other apps and performing a hard restart. Most any editing operation, even just muting a track required the app to "optimize" the track which forces you to sit and wait while the play head slowly sweeps across your entire project. This made the app slow and frustrating.
On my ipad2 switching from instruments to the mixer is faster, and I never have to wait while the app continuously optimizes on fullsize projects. Everything is instant and seemless. (it does still occasionally save the project, but thats very quick) I'm sure the old iPad has to render the midi tracks to audio to make up for lack of ram, CPU power, and graphics excelleration, they just like to call it "optimizing."
It's a simple matter. If a future app needs a dual core processor, more ram, and 7 to 9 times the graphic acceleration the iPad 1 is just not going to cut it. Hardware does make a big difference.