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Will DFU mode install the latest IOS (6.1) on my iPad?


iPF Noob
Sorry if this has been answer before, did a quick search couldn't really find this information.

Currently my iPad running IOS 6.01, if I decide to put it under DFU mode would IOS 6.1 be the new firmware after DFU mode complete or would it stay on IOS 6.01?

Thanks in advance.
Is your iPad jailbroken??

If yes, then put into DFU MODE and hook up to iTunes, instructions will appear on screen

If no, hook up to iTunes, click help, click check for updates, when it tells you there is one.....update.

Let us know how you get on, remember, if you want to JailBreak, don't update over the air (OTA)
Is your iPad jailbroken??

If yes, then put into DFU MODE and hook up to iTunes, instructions will appear on screen

If no, hook up to iTunes, click help, click check for updates, when it tells you there is one.....update.

Let us know how you get on, remember, if you want to JailBreak, don't update over the air (OTA)

A little clarification there at the end Leelai, jailbreaking and OTA updates have no correlation with one another. You could've updated your iOS OTA and still jailbreak your device. The reason why it's recommended that we use iTunes restoration rather than OTA, is because the APTickets you get from OTA upgrades do not match the ones necessary when you want to re-restore your device to an unsigned iOS.

This was a huge huge problem for iPhone 4S's on iOS 5 users where they ran into problems with their jailbreaks, and they performed an OTA upgrade or the iOS running on that instance of their device was directly from the factory. APTickets from OTA and factory installs do not have the proper APTickets. Now don't confuse restore to factory settings to factory installation. They are two completely different things. Restoring to factory settings such as using iTunes, will install a FRESH COPY of iOS on your device. Factory installation is what's installed in the factory itself, meaning a factory copy of iOS, the initial installation, the very first installation of iOS on a brand new device.

This is why we urge all users over at iPhoneForums to restore using iTunes to a fresh copy of iOS EVEN THOUGH it's the same iOS as the one on your iPhone. So say you just bought a brand new iPhone 5 with iOS 6.1 installed in the factory. Still, restore using iTunes. Doesn't matter if 6.1 = 6.1. Restore it using iTunes. This will refresh your APTickets, giving you the proper APTickets for re-restoring and downgrading. They are equally as important as SHSH blobs since they're basically another form of SHSH blobs.

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