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Wiping all Cydia Tweaks without Restoring and Rejailbreaking

So I still need would need to download mobileterminal even if I run iLex rat on an ipad?
Does iLex Rat have to be installed on the iPad in order to work or could I connect my iPad to a PC and run it from the PC when the iPad messes up?

Yes, you have to install iLex R.A.T. on your iPad. Then, you have the option of installing Mobile Terminal or using various programs on your PC/Mac.

Though, I've heard that people have better success if they run the rat command from the computer versus via a Mobile Terminal. It's the way that iLex R.A.T. cleans up after itself that sometimes causes and issue...

Yes, you have to install iLex R.A.T. on your iPad. Then, you have the option of installing Mobile Terminal or using various programs on your PC/Mac.

Though, I've heard that people have better success if they run the rat command from the computer versus via a Mobile Terminal. It's the way that iLex R.A.T. cleans up after itself that sometimes causes and issue...


To sum up:
If I want to run iLex Rat from the actual ipad then I need to install iLex rat and Mobile Terminal on iPad?
If I want to run iLex Rat from a PC, I need to install iLex rat on the ipad and which program should I download to my PC to run iLex Rat?
If my laptop is stuck on the apple logo then my only solution would be to run iLex rat from the pc?
To sum up:
If I want to run iLex Rat from the actual ipad then I need to install iLex rat and Mobile Terminal on iPad? Yes
If I want to run iLex Rat from a PC, I need to install iLex rat on the ipad and which program should I download to my PC to run iLex Rat?

Yes, you will need iLex R.A.T. on the iPad and, from the first post in this thread:

To implement the R.A.T feature, you'll need to use a single command, "rat". How do you use the command? Well we have several options:

-MobileTerminal (you can install this free from the default Cydia repos)
-PuTTy (for Windows users)
-Terminal (default for OS X users)
-iFunBox (both Windows and OS X users)
-Any other utility that allows you to run commands from your PC

Once you need the feature, simple open up any of these prompts (enabling SSH may be required for utilities like PuTTy and such), and type in 'rat'. You don't have to actually have to enter your credentials for Root access. Simply have a connection between your command terminal to your device (or simple open up MobileTerminal on your device) and type in "rat" without quotes.

If my laptop is stuck on the apple logo then my only solution would be to run iLex rat from the pc?

Correct. If you can't get into the iPad because it's "stuck," then the only way to get into it is via the PC. However, have you tried re-starting the iPad using Mobile Substrate Safe Mode? It is loaded automatically whenever you install a tweak that uses Mobile Substrate (which is most of the more popular ones). Then, in Safe Mode, you'll be able to access your iPad.

Hopefully, some of this'll help. Good luck.

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Don't forget OpenSSH as well if you're using a computer to run the command. I think I'll need to separate it a little better in the initial post to clarify what's needed for what

EDIT: I've re-listed the bullet points of the utilities that're needed for using a computer and for directly on the device. Hope that clarifies the bit regarding what is required for each use.
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can iLex Rat be installed on the iPad through iFunbox and then be run remotely through iFunbox? or is the only way to run ilex rat is through installing it through cydia and then either running it through the ipad or ifunbox?
can iLex Rat be installed on the iPad through iFunbox and then be run remotely through iFunbox? or is the only way to run ilex rat is through installing it through cydia and then either running it through the ipad or ifunbox?

You will receive no help on the matter with respect to what you've done to the device to have caused the issue as you've stated in the thread that the moderators have closed. Piracy is not tolerated as per the iPadForum Rules

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Just jailbroke my new iPad Air and installed RAT before reading that last post... Shouldn't matter as long as I don't run it, right? :)

Question: in that RAT repository, they have both iLEX R.A.T. and iLEX RESTORE, which is described as "Easily restore your device & keep jailbreak". Is that something new, or did I miss the discussion of that program? And it seems that you cannot install both R.A.T. and RESTORE at the same time; at least when I try to add the second program, Cydia is uninstalling whatever I have installed first...
Only install RAT. Restore is a UI only and does not have the command as described in the first post.

Sent from my iPhone via Tapa
Abandoned the MyRepoSpace repo as it's very inconsistent. New repo has been added in the post with the same packages.
SemiRestore7 released and tested, and it's fairly very well on iOS 5, 6 and 7 including ARM64 devices. At the moment it's only released for Windows. I will update the links when they become available.

To remind users and readers again, ILEX R.A.T. and SemiRestore7 requires that you be jailbroken, and both WILL NOT resolve file system issues that arouses from selecting "Erase All Contents and Settings" in Settings.app. If you tap on that option, you MUST and will be forced to restore your device completely. There is no going back or any alternatives.
Linux 64-bit version of SemiRestore7 has been released. Link has been added in the first post. 32 bit Linux will be added once @coolstarorg uploads it.

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