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Wireless keyboards and apple cck


iPF Noob
Mar 18, 2012
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Hi, does anybody know if wireless keyboards will work with the apple camera connection kit?
Hello and welcome to the forum! :)

I have both - the wireless KB connects via Bluetooth & the CCK w/ the iPad docking station - what do you want to do?
Hi, well I just wanted to know if wireless kb's that had a wireless USB dongle that could plug in the USB port of the apple cck would work. :). I'm aware that Bluetooth kb's would work with an iPad.
Hi, well I just wanted to know if wireless kb's that had a wireless USB dongle that could plug in the USB port of the apple cck would work. :). I'm aware that Bluetooth kb's would work with an iPad.

OK - your question in the OP was unclear since USB was not mentioned; but, the CCK comes w/ 2 adapters, one is to allow attachment of a SD camera card to import images; the other is for a USB connection BUT for your camera to be connected directly; the USB adapter will not accept other types of devices, such as keyboards or flash drives - this is my understanding for the 'native' iPad (not sure about one that is jailbroken?). :)

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